"WHERE ARE WE MOVING TO?!" Tami yelled as she was in total shock, hearing the news that her stepfather had just given her, almost choking on the salad that was handed to her. It was a late Saturday, and Tami and her family were sitting at the dinner table, its rich walls, filled with sand-colored wallpaper and matching tiles, the walls, having pictures of Tami as a child, Tami's mother, Alyssa, and the late matriarch of the family, Tamon Jin Huo, who was an amazing business owner, who loved his family and his the beach, and seeing that the tension in the dining table grew right now.

Banging her hands on the table, she was completely shocked at what he had just said; their huge, mansion house that Tami grew up in was being sold because her mom lost her job. And the man, who wasn't even close to the great man that was the late father of her at all; her father would never in his life do something so heinous to their family; her grandma, a tall Korean woman, would've beat her son if he did this shit. This motherfucker in front of her, thin bitch man child with a soggy froggy-leap-frog ass face, sweat on his face, and dressed like a crappy fashion model, oh how she missed the father she knew and loved.

"W-w-when- did thi-this happen, I'm so confused, why the hell are we moving to THOSE neighborhoods?!" Tami asked her mom, tears streaming from the woman's face, her pajamas were soaked, and her palms were hard, red, and filled with anger, she was sure this was all a big mistake, when would something like this happen, even?

Alyssa's answer shocked Tami to the core, shaking her head.

"I-I got laid off, and they said I was lacking in my job, and you know of the stress as of recently-"

Tami just lost it.

I DON'T CARE, DO YOU KNOW HOW BAD THIS WOULD RUIN ME?! EMOTIONALLY, MENTALLY, AND ALSO RUIN MY REPUTATION?!" Tami was yelling but before she even continued her sentence, her mom continued.

"Tamara, don't yo-you see, ever since that letter, th-thi- things have been rough. I -can't work anymore, I am stressing out all of the time, and ever since your faith-"

Her mother tried to reason with her, shaking, sweating, her hand going out of control, and crying at the idea of her daughter being so upset and angry, but Tami was so hurt, she was going to lose everything that she worked for; her spot on the cheer team, her friendships with the other rich kids at the school, her grades, and she was to work on a relationship with Lee.

"For you to bring Daddy in this, is disgusting! That man, that amazing, wonderful man, who I am so proud to call my father, unlike someone' Tami glared at the man, who was so much younger, that it gave off the impression that he was her mother's son, the man who sold half of her father's things to make room for his things, that was sitting next to her mother, eating a sales, staring right back at her. "Momma, you know how hard dad worked because of your family, he worked so hard to give us this lifestyle because he knew deep in his heart he knows, he knew that he wasn't going here much longer, and because of grandma and gramp-

She's tearing up.

She can't take it anymore.

so for you to bring that...that.. fucking letter up-"

And then-

"DON'T YOU DARE YELL AT YOUR MOTHER! DO YOU KNOW HOW I COULD SEND YOU TO YOUR GRANDMOTHER, YOU PILE OF SHIT!" Her stepdad screamed at her, causing the dining room to go silent. His voice booming at her, it sounded so loud, he was bigger than her, much bigger, his voice was so authoritarian, and made it feel like she was in a cage and he was the one who put her in the side of it.

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