(Saturday, Miami Hospital, 2:45 pm)

"Leander, Megan and Anthony."

All three of the junior spies turned their heads in the midst of their mini-fight, to where the voice came from, and in utter shock, in horror and annoyance for Lee, to see their old balding boss, Jerry Lewis standing there, angry but his face was stone cold. Jerry stood before them, eyes red, he looked so tired, so depressed, he looked so..suicidal, he looked oh so broken at the teens sitting there, eyes wide as he walked over to the siblings.

"Now look at what you did, Megan." Lee spat out in anger as he pushed his sister away from him, causing the teen to fall onto her back on to the hospital floor..

"Leander, that, right there, was an awful thing to say, especially, Lee, as of what is happening right now." Jerry scolded the eldest spy as he heard all of Lee's confession, but the older boy just rolled his eyes in pure annoyance.

"He can suck a dick, for all I care about right now."

"Lee, what the hell is up your ass?" Megan yelled as she stood up, her hand raised, to start slapping her brother's face, but Lee caught her hand, gripping it tight, twisting her wrist, along with some of her fingers, causing everyone to yell at him, causing Megan to fall to the hospital floor.

"Lee what the-!" Tony yelled as Lee, with all of the strength in his upper arm, punched his brother in the face, sending the younger boy across the hall.

"Leander!" Jerry yelled, before leaping over, grabbing Lee's wrist, gripping it as hard as the old man could, looking deep into the teen's spy blue eyes..

"Lee I get it, your brother is in there, and your upset,taking your anger out on everyone else will do nothing.

 Lee turned to Megan as Jerry helped her up, the older brother looked at his sister in the eyes, and spoke in a low cold voice to her.

"My problem, little Meg, is you, bitching in my ear. Can you bitch somewhere else over your bitch of your twin?"

The older teen spat out coldly as Lee expressed frustration, turning back to his phone, Megan cried out in pain, while Jerry hugged her closer, and both she and Tony were in bad condition, physically yes, but emotionally, Tony was so hurt with all of his siblings, not being his siblings to him right now,.. Megan felt sick to her stomach when Lee, of all people, spoke negatively about their brother who was also her twin.

Jerry gave a nasty look, but Lee just continued.

"Meg, your twin is the most insufferable narcissist, yet somehow he's your twin, all of the toxic traits went to him and all of the annoying traits went to you, Marc like to pretend he's this nice smart guy somehow Marc is still such a dick. He gets everything without trying to, while I have to work my ass off, Marc was in that fight all by himself, putting my baby brother in danger. It's annoying as hell and it was selfish of him."

 Lee spat out again at his sister.

"Leander Clark!" Jerry yelled in a raging tone, face red, but Lee, mad as a bull got up and walked away, causing a storm above the other teens.

As Lee stormed away, his face flushed with anger and his fists clenched tightly. The room seemed to grow tense, with an atmosphere crackling with electricity.


Megan's body shook with heavy sobs, her shoulders slumped, as her tear-streaked face crumpled with the weight of her sorrow, her sobs filling the hospital floor, scaring other patients, her sobs scaring and wall clenching as small children cling to their mothers, the ooder was making her nauseous, scaring her.

 Lee stormed away from the hospital floor, and Megan broke down in tears. She was angry with her brother, of course, but she was also angry at herself. Lee was always there for her, and now she didn't know what to do. Who was going to comfort her? 

She felt so lost without him. The other teens all exchanged nervous glances, their unease growing with each passing second. The storm mirrored their own internal turmoil, a reflection of the rift that had formed between Jerry and Lee, those two have always been close. Raindrops began to fall, hitting the ground with force, as if nature itself was expressing the intensity of their emotions.

"Why..why was..Lee" Megan couldn't even contain her words, as she just burst into a waterfall of tears.

"Dear, he's...Lee's..just...upset..with his....brother," Jerry whispered but looked at Tony who was doodling. "Who is the blonde girl next to Tony?'"

"Tami's cousin's sister."

"Oh dear, where is Tami?"

Megan looked around the hospital floor, Jerry's eyes locked with Megan, for a bit, her eyes wet, heart pounding with fear, "She's mostly outside, that's might where Lee is heading, can you stop him?"

"I can do that, Megan dear. What do you know about this, cousin's sister." 

"I think she likes Marc. But right now-"

Jerry, realizing the gravity of the situation, immediately regretted his outburst. He anxiously glanced around, hoping to diffuse the tension and salvage the situation. But it was too late. The storm that Lee's anger had conjured was already brewing above them as he listen to Megan.

"Once Lee comes back, I will talk to him. You and your friends should head back. Why dont you guys stay for another few days at the hotel, until Marc feels better?"

The teens agreed and grabbed their things, heading out.

Dark clouds gathered overhead, blocking out the sunlight that had once filled the room. A low rumble of thunder echoed through the air, mirroring the turmoil within Lee. The atmosphere grew heavy as if the very air had become charged with volatile energy.

The other teens exchanged nervous glances, their unease growing with each passing second. The storm mirrored their own internal turmoil, a reflection of the rift that had formed between Jerry and Lee. Raindrops began to fall, hitting the ground with force as if nature itself was expressing the intensity of their emotions.

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