(Insert classical music)


"Tami was in a hospital, she had no idea how, but she felt like being there, her eyes sad, her arms shaking, the flashing was in and out of her as she tried looking around to see which room she was in exactly, the room Tamera was in had doctors everywhere going in and out, someone was yelling at her but she wasn't paying attention, how could she? her heart rate was unexplainable, her breathing was tense people were crying there was an old man in a suit on the phone with someone, her hair was everywhere, tears flowing around her, her eyes were blurry, her head pounding like prisoners wanting to get out, Tami was falling in and out of conciseness, her eyes drooping, as she struggled to look around the room, she felt something slap her nose as she finally spotted what looked to be a brown haired boy. As she tried to take a closer look at the boy, something hit her, triggering her to wake up."

(Indigo Hotel, Miami, 12:45 am one day before Kat and Lee's phone call incident)

Tami shot off the bed, heart beating, feeling her heart just clutched onto her lungs, her eyes shot open, small tears forming on her soft cheek, and her pupils were searching the whole room, confused as hell about what that dream was, Tami sighed as her breathing kept struggling to keep up with her, that dream scared her! She checked her phone, seeing some random text messages, but nothing scary, Tamera was not going to finish sleeping like this, not when a dream like that came at you, so she went out of bed, braided her hair, grabbed her room key, her swimsuit, and rushed to the pool, hopefully, to calm herself down for that horrid dream she had. Walk downstairs to the pool the pool was beautiful Allure you even the pool had a long build to it, the chairs were set up, and the deck was lovely to look at.The chairs were a white rich color, it was perfect for Tami to swim in, as she changed into her swimsuit.

The swimsuit was a beautiful mustard yellow color with ruffles on it along with some gold chains crisscrossing around her chest and waist, and made her look elegant, that's what everyone said when she bought it, her long hair made her even more beautiful chanting so to find so beautiful as she dipped herself into the pool, as cold as it was, she needed this.

The moon's warm rays danced across the surface of the pool. The dark skies added harmony and tranquility to the peaceful scene. An ambient breeze gently puffed against the edge of the pool, lending serenity and calm. The birdsong filled the air with a melodic symphony of chirping and melodies. The water, serene and calm, beckoned a refreshing and rejuvenating dip. A warm hug of tranquility permeated the atmosphere, enveloping the pool in an aura of peace and relaxation.

Marcus woke up to feeling something....off. His brown hair was in ruffles, his dark timid, soft, erotic, brown eyes scanned the room that room being his hotel room that he was sharing with his brother, and he was feeling....very off. The 15-year-old boy couldn't help but think that something was off. He didn't know what it was, but, he needed to get out of his hotel room as soon as he could, he felt off, the room was spinning and Tony's snoring was giving him a migraine. Marc was here in Miami for a damn mission, not to be some hotel, waiting for updates for Jerry! Jerry was so stubborn when it came to emergencies and barely gave out the proper equipment for his spies! He's such an old head, Marcus thought, thinking as to what he should do next, when he heard splashing coming out of his window, to seeing a blonde girl swimming her swimming technique was captivating to Marcus, and he could tell she was beautiful and she took pride in that, with all of her heart, and Marc's gut was telling him that he knew this girl, he knew her very very damn well, and when Marc has his gut feeling on something, he was going to get to the bottom of it, even if it scared him, whatever it was, he's was gonna find out.

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