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                            •Elysian Monroe•

*3 months later*

Things between Eil and I have gotten increasingly good. That night, really helped us grow closer. In the past few months, she's really helped me learn how to be there for her in moments like that.

"The lights green." She spoke

I quickly shook my head and returned my focus to the road. I was dropping her off to her first girls weekend. She had to convince me after her last night out, that I should even allow her out for one night let alone three.

Soon, I was pulling up to a familiar house. The house I met Aire in. I lowly laughed to myself, this was the universes way of trying to tell me to unblock her. Sorry universe, not happening.

I pulled as close to the door as I could and turned to Eil

"If anything happens and I mean anything, call me." I commented

"Always." She replied

She got out and grabbed her bag from the back seat. With one last wave, she made her way to the door. I waited until she was inside before pulling off.

Once I pulled off, I made my way to the office. I knew she'd be the first person I'd be seeing today. If only I had anything nice to say about our progress.

Lately, her interest in my life has become incredibly intense. She's spent almost all of her time trying to pry and read me. I've dodged each attempt and always managed to turn the conversation back to her but I can't lie and say, I was growing tired of doing that.

I soon pull into the parking lot and I immediately spot her car in a parking spot. I quickly look at the time and realize I'm 10 minutes late, shit.

I quickly park and get out of my car. I jog inside and make my way into my office where I immediately spot her sitting down.

"Excuse my tardiness, I was dropping my sister off somewhere. I see you've already made yourself comfortable, how are you doing today Akari?" I dive immediately in

"It's no worries at all Elysian, I understand. I'm doing fine. How are you feeling today?" She asked

"I'm doing well, thank you for asking. So tell me, are things still working as expected?" I replied

I've learned it was best to quickly divert her attention away from asking me questions by, asking her one.

"Yes, Rosa is living happily with my parents while we work things out with our lawyers" she spoke

"Good, I'm happy to hear that. Though, if that's the case, i don't quite understand why you've made this appointment." I questioned

She readjusted her position and flashed a smile

"I wanted to ask you to go out with me. Not a date but, two people going out to get to know one another in a, different setting." Her smile grew

I blew out a breath at her words and decided to give them thought

"That's not appropriate, Akari." I mentioned

"To you, it's not. To me, it's just a way to get to know you. You won't give me anything here so, i thought you'd be more comfortable answering questions outside of work." She commented

"I'd rather keep this strictly professional. if there's nothing else then, I'll be cutting this session short." I spoke

"One night out Elysian, that's all I'm asking for." She continued

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