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•Elysian Monroe•

"You're so beautiful" she softly purred

She lifted her hands slowly and placed them on both sides of my face. I smiled as a response to her words. She kept her eyes locked on mine as she inched her face closer to mine

Our faces were now inches apart, I could smell the wine on her breath. I lowly sighed and decided to close the space between us

She gently swiped her tongue across my bottom lip and I slightly opened my mouth, allowing her access. This kiss, was different than any other. This, had emotion behind it.

I sprung up and looked around my room. I softly sighed, it was just a dream. I lifted my fingers up and touched my lips. I could still feel the kiss.

I turned over and grabbed my phone. It was going on 10am. I groaned and got out of bed.

That, was the first time I dreamt of her.

I made my way to my bathroom and looked in the mirror. My skin was flushed. I shook my head to clear my mind of the dream and turned on my facet.

I bent down and splashed my face with water. I don't know why I had such a dream about her but, things definitely needed to be different between us.

I opened my cabinet and grabbed my toothbrush and tooth paste. I quickly brushed my teeth and turned to turn my shower water on. I turned the sink off and stripped out of my clothes.

I jumped into the shower and allowed the water to wash the dream away. I need to change the way I act around her, immediately. She can no longer have the opportunity to read me, not after that so called dream.

I stood in place and let the water flow down my body. I debated on going in today. I shook my head, that would just be selfish of me. Not going to work just to avoid seeing her, that's not far to my clients.

I sighed and decided it was time to wash myself. Once I was done and rinsed off, I turned off the water and got out. I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around myself.

I walked out of the bathroom and into my room. I dropped my towel and walked over to my closet. I grabbed a white flannel and a pair of blue jeans.

I threw the clothes onto my bed and turned towards my dresser. I grabbed my lotion and lathered my body. Once I was done, I decided on a half up/half down hairstyle.

I pulled a few strains out to hang low and turned towards my clothes. I put on the jeans and I walked back over the my dresser to grab a black belt.

I put on the flannel and tucked it slightly in the front. I put the belt on and grabbed a pair of black wedges from my closet.

I put them on and walked over towards my mirror. I lowly hummed and grabbed my phone. I looked at the time and sighed, if I didn't leave now, I'd be late again.

I went down the stairs and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed an orange out the fridge and made my way out the door.

I hoped in my car and started it, pulling off to head in the direction of the office. When I pulled up to a red light, I quickly peeled my orange and tossed the peel out the window.

I pulled off and decided to just bite into the orange like an apple, either way it would be eaten.

I pulled onto the freeway and quickly picked up speed. I took a peek at the time, I had 5 minutes left to get there or I'd be late. I wasn't gonna make it in time unless, I risked an accident happening. I sighed, my thoughts were something else today.

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