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                            •Elysian Monroe•

I kept my eyes shut. I wasn't ready to get out of bed and face the unknown of the day. I sighed and opened them. I grabbed my phone and saw I had a few hours before I needed to be at the office but, I still had to get up to drop Eil off.

I listened for footsteps and groaned when I didn't hear them. I got up and made my way out of my room. I knocked on her door and when there was no response, I opened it and stuck my head in.

I immediately spotted her, still under the covers. I fully opened her door and walked up to her bed. I yanked the covers off of her and decided to tickle her feet.

I quickly regretted my decision when her foot shot up and hit me in the nose. I dropped her foot and my hands shot up to my nose. That was a pretty hefty kick for someone who's unconscious.

I groaned as the pain set in. I looked up and saw she was sitting up. Her eyes held regret and yet her expression was filled with mockery.

"I told you not to wake me up that way!" She yelled

"Well, I told you to set your alarm in the morning so this wouldn't need to happen!" I yelled back

She sighed and got out of bed. She sat me down and took a look at my nose. She smiled and thumped it, I instinctively thumbed her back.

"It's not broken but, it is a little swollen. Might wanna ice that before work." She stated

I rolled my eyes and got up. I pointed my finger towards her door and she dropped her head. She made her way out of her room and to the bathroom.

I lowly sighed and made my way out of her room and to the kitchen. I opened the freezer and grabbed an ice pack. I closed the freezer and gently placed it onto my nose. I softly winced and went back upstairs.

I knocked on the bathroom door and waited for it to open.

"I need a small rag" I said

She went behind the door and grabbed a spare rag. She handed it to me and closed the door. I walked away from the door and sat down on my bed.

I took the ice pack off my nose and wrapped it into the cloth. I placed it on my nose and hummed softly. This will stay on until she gets ready for school and then I'll go pick up something to eat.

I may stop at a bookstore. I've been meaning to add a few more books to my collection. I got up and walked over to my drawer.

I slipped out of my shorts and threw on a pair of black sweats. I walked out of my room and went downstairs.

I sat on the couch and scrolled through my phone with my free hand. I didn't know what else to do while I waited for her.

I softly sighed, she's going to take forever. That is why, I tell her to set an alarm. It's like she does it one night and then the next, I don't know what happens.

Maybe she likes being late to school. I shook my head at the thought and softly sighed. I was probably right but regardless, she had to go.

I took a peek at the time and immediately knew she wasn't gonna get there on time. I sunk down into the couch and slightly turned over.

Might as well make myself comfortable while I waited. I turned my phone off and slid it into my pocket. I kept the rag on my nose and closed my eyes.

I could feel the sleepiness lurking around and I sighed as I opened my eyes. I knew if I kept them closed any longer, I'd succumb to the temptations.

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