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•Akari Davidson•

"Are you seriously still, putting on your useless makeup?" He snorted

I chuckled at his question and chose to keep my focus on my makeup. I had to make an appearance at my sister's house. For some god forsaken reason, she wants me there.

We haven't spoken much since, Elijah died. I kept my mind from going back to that night and returned my focus on my eyeliner.

I heard him walk away and I sighed. It was bad enough we were going through a custody battle but, to be living together through it made it all the more worse.

"Hurry the hell up, I don't got all day!" He yelled

Unfortunately, he was driving me there. I misplaced my car keys though, I'm sure he took them and hid them. He hates how independent I've gotten, he liked me better when I was blindly obedient.

As I added a few finishing touches to my makeup, my mind trailed off to her. It's clear there's something deeper at play here with her. One day, we're laughing and having fun then the next, she's telling me she didn't wanna be friends.

While that may be true, she can't deny the connection we share. I could be grasping at straws but, I definitely feel something.

There was a spark between us the last time I shock her hand. I could text her but, I'm sure she's already blocked my number.

I softly sighed and walked out of the bathroom. I went to the guest room which, is where I've been sleeping for the past 4 years.

I walked over to my closet and grabbed a pair of blue jeans. I then grabbed a black v-neck and tossed them onto my bed.

I slid into the clothes and pulled my hair up into a messy bun. I grabbed my glasses off my dresser and put them on. I normally wear contacts but, I didn't feel like putting them in.

I made my way out of the room and down the stairs. I immediately spotted him at the dining room table doing something on his phone. I lowly sighed and mustered up the energy to tolerate him once more.

"Cassius, we can go now." I stated

He looked up at me and then looked back down at his phone. I rolled my eyes and grabbed his keys off the table. I turned and made my way to the front door. Before my hand could grab the knob, his yanked my arm back.

He snatched his keys out of my other hand and glared down at me. I kept my composure and held his gaze. I wasn't afraid of him, and I wanted him to know that.

He couldn't hit me. Well, he could but, if he did the court would rule in my favor. I yanked my wrist out of his grip and crossed my arms.

I could see the anger pooling in his eyes. Any normal person would've been scared but, when you've been dealing with this for 10 years, you get use to it.

But, no matter how angry he was, he never put his hand on me or our child. That, is the one and only thing I liked about this man.

"Are you gonna continue to stare me down like a caveman or can we go now?" I asked

He didn't like my question very much. I could hear his breathing quicken. I lowly chuckled at how sensitive he is.

I turned back around and grabbed the knob. I was pleased with the fact he didn't stop me this time. I walked out the door and made my way to his truck.

I went to the backseat and waited until he unlocked the door. I watched as he walked out and went back in a few times. I groaned and rolled my eyes, he's doing this on purpose.

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