Origins of a Young Padawan

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A/N Hello everyone, and welcome to a new story that I just thought up of making, it moves in towards the whole Jedi Izuku story that I am also making. But in this version of events, instead of being found by Grandmaster Yoda, Izuku is a girl and is found by Anakin Skywalker! Now you all might be wondering why I am doing this. The answer is simple, there are literally no Jedi Izuku fanfics where Izuku is a girl on this platform. Not to mention on the Archiveofourown platform, there are only two. So this is the story I want.

Deep in the vastness of the Galaxy, two ships move about the Mid-rim of the entire Galaxy as they are in search of a hidden base of General Grevious. "Anakin, I will search the outer-rim of the Galaxy, you search on some planets within the Mid-Rim." Obi Wan called out from his hologram. "Alright master, is there anything else I should do when I visit some planets?" Anakin asked, as he stared at the hologram of his master. "At least try and find yourself a Padawan for yourself to train, I hear that in the Mid-rim of the Galaxy there are Force Sensitives within younglings." Obi Wan said, before cutting off the com link hologram. Sighing in exasperation, Anakin flew towards the planet that was closest to him at the moment, Mercury within the smaller Galaxy within the Mid-rim. As he landed on the planet, he found that it was completely inhabitable and decided to leave it immediately should his ship be completely melted by how heated it was. Moving on to Venus, based on what his intel stated he found that somehow someway, this planet was even hotter than Mercury... although the previous planet was closer to the Sun within the tiny Galaxy within the Greater one. Soon he found a small planet, it was beautiful in terms of color, blue, green and some mixes of brown as well as surrounded by some other blue water. He took his ship and lowered it towards the island that seemed to be just off the mainland. He just so happened to park his ship outside of view and on the outskirts of a city nearby and placed it under complete invisibility. Jumping out of his ship, R2D2 had tried to get out of the ship when Anakin put a hand out to the small droid. "I can't allow you to leave the ship little guy, I need you to protect it from any who would like to cause harm to it as well as steal it." Anakin said, as R2 let out some sad beeps before letting out some determined beeps. "I know R2, I will return in a bit. Just got to get some information from the populace about where I could find Grevious." Anakin said, walking away from the ship. He felt around the place with the Force, only to find another Force Sensitive... and they were nearing the level of power he wielded when he was only around a small boy. "Hm, I guess this is where the fun begins." Anakin mumbled to himself before walking towards the direction of the Force Energy that was being broadcasted to him.


Running around the city, we find a young girl... she has long green hair that is curly around the top as well as edges. She has freckles on her cheeks in the shape of diamonds, and she has bruises on her arms and legs as she tried her best to run away. "Get back here Deku!" A voice called out, vaguely familiar to her. Her face became fearful as Deku ran around a corner and ran towards the end of the alleyway... only to find that it was blocked off. "*Sigh* I guess this is where I get beaten for being found by Kacchan." Deku said, before turning around. She was utterly surprised when Kacchan had never arrived, but a young man who looked to be around at least 19 walked around the corner. "Hm, this is where I was feeling the massive energy signature of the Force. Oh, there they are." The young man said, walking towards her. Deku immediately stood her ground as the new guy had walked closer to her until he was right in front of her. She had been so scared that her body had frozen in fear as the young man stood above her, he was taller than she was by about 1 foot and 3 inches. "Deku! There you are!" The familiar voice of Kacchan had yelled out. The man turned around to find the blonde-haired boy with ruby red eyes glaring at the girl before he moved to the side. "I guess she is who you're looking for, but from how your body language is showing me... you aren't her friend." The young man said, as Kacchan growled at the young man. "Who the fuck are you? What does the abandoned Deku need with a guy like you?" Kacchan asked. "K-K-Kacchan, I-I really thi-think you shouldn't t-talk to hi-him like that." Deku said, as she noticed that the weird aura around him was fluctuating towards a deep red. "SHUT UP DEKU, NOW WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU, ASSHOLE? ARE YOU HERE TO USE DEKU LIKE A COCKSLEEVE!?" Kacchan yelled out as the man placed a hand over his ear. "You'd think that you would be nice to a man you just met, but you meet all kinds of people. What of it? Why does it matter to you whether I use your friend for my... desires?" The man asked, as Deku's face became a blushing mess. Although she was terrified with whatever these desires meant, Izumi would never say to anyone that when the young man told Kacchan that his thoughts of desires brought so much disgust. 'Do I not look good enough?' Izumi thought to herself. "It is my business, because she belongs to me asshole! And it's about time you got out of here before I show you that I really mean business!" Kacchan said, as the young man cracked his neck. "Well at least I would get a little spar, how about it." The young man said, as Izumi walked behind the taller man. The fight wasn't even that, Kacchan went for his wide right hook, and the mystery man had taken the bait. He grabbed the arm with such speed and precision that Izumi couldn't understand whether or not Kacchan was grabbed, or she was watching as her old friend turned bully had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. "If you call that lousy attack a punch then I have bad news for you bud." The new guy said, before sending a kick to Kacchan's gut knocking him out instantly. Izumi just stood there in shock, this man had come out of nowhere, walked up to her, protected her from being attacked, and just one shotted the one kid at her school who had made everyone know that he was the strongest. It was so completely out of left field that Izumi had forgotten to breath by the time the young man had turned to look at her. "Are you alright, you seem to have some bruises." The man said, as Izumi just nodded. "U-Um, who are y-you? I-I-I haven't s-seen you a-around h-here before." Izumi asked, as the young man just slapped his face. "Shit, sorry about that. My name is Anakin Skywalker, and I would like to ask you what your name is? Because I certainly know that it isn't Deku, since from the way that boy was saying it, it was something derogatory huh?" Anakin asked, as Izumi nodded.

We find the two sitting in a small cafe with Izumi paying for their meal as the two talks about what was happening with her and the boy. "He is a bully from my school." Izumi said, as Anakin became slightly more angered. "Why does he bully you, you shouldn't be bullied for no reason." Anakin said, as Izumi looked away. "H-He's been doing that ever since I was four years old, and ever since then nobody has even tried to defend me from him. Either they get attacked, o-or my punishment for being protected is way worse the next d-day." Izumi said, as the two drink some hot chocolate. "Well at least I know that you are being bullied, but why are you being bullied?" Anakin asked, as Izumi just let out a sad huff. "I'm Q-Quirkless." Izumi said, thinking that Anakin will just leave her there with a derogatory nickname. "Quirkless, what does that even mean?" Anakin asked, genuine confusion on his face. Izumi studied his face for a moment before telling the young man everything she knew about Quirks as well as those who live on the planet. She even told him about the Job occupations that you can get as a Hero, as well as the fact you could be paid for it. "Well I guess you could become a Hero if you wanted to live a good life. What is your dream?" Anakin asked, as Izumi smiled sadly. "I-I've always w-wanted to be-become a H-Hero. B-but everyone said... that because I-I'm Quirkless... I can't b-become one." Izumi said, as Anakin sighed. "Well have you done anything to try and become a Quirkless Hero?" Anakin asked, as Izumi pulled out a notebook. Looking the notebook over, Anakin opened it up as he saw multiple notes on certain Heroes she had been writing about, even some really good artistry of said Hero the notes are about. "These are really good, for an analysis. You do this for fun, or did you really like quirks?" Anakin asked, as Izumi looked at him with a happy smile. "I've always loved Quirks ever since I knew about them! There are just so many quirks out there that it is surprising that there aren't any that overpower the user's will!" Izumi said, as she started to mumble about the multiple kinds of quirks. Anakin then used that moment to try and feel out through the Force to see if Izumi would react to his poking and prodding of her Force Energy. Once he noticed her grimacing whenever she was tapping her finger on the table, Anakin knew that he had a lot of work to do for her. "So you want to become a Quirkless Hero right?" Anakin asked, as Izumi nodded. "It's the one thing that I've always wanted. I know that I haven't trained physically for it... but I can't really do that with my bullies as well as the simple fact that I don't get a whole lot to eat most days." Izumi said, as Anakin heard enough. "Have you ever heard of a man/cyborg named General Grevious?" Anakin asked, as Izumi shook her head. "I have lived on the streets of Musutafu for years, I-I don't think I've ever heard of that name before." Izumi said, as she started to think about the man/cyborg. "Well how about you leave this planet with me and we can start your training to become the Galaxies first Quirkless Hero?" Anakin asked, as Izumi stared at him. "Y-You'd really t-train me?" Izumi asked, tears brimming to the surface of her eyes. "Yup, you are holding a massive amount of the Force within your body. I would like to make sure that you can harness that ability and use it to the best of your ability. I am Anakin Skywalker, and I am a Jedi Knight of the Republic. I was in search of a Padawan ever since my previous one was killed in the start of the Clone Wars, that are still going on today. Would you like to become my Padawan?" Anakin asked, as Izumi thought about it. "H-How would m-my t-training begin?" Izumi asked, as Anakin smiled. "I would take you from here and train you on Coruscant, and we will move on from there." Anakin said, as Izumi thought about it. There was really nothing here that was keeping her in her home world, and if Anakin was right... then there is a whole Galaxy that needs to be explored... she could be the first human of Earth to venture out into the Galaxy! But as soon as she was about to answer his question, the words from before had caught her attention. "What is the Force?" Izumi asked, as Anakin smiled. "Well how about I tell you on the way to my ship? I got to contact my former Master anyway about you." Anakin said, as Izumi blushed slightly. "O-Okay, c-can we leave now?" Izumi asked timidly. "Sure thing, from now on... call me master." Anakin said, smiling at her. Izumi nodded happily as she smiled at him before stating... "Yes, Master!" Izumi said, as the two left the small cafe. Unaware of the fact that someone was watching the duo speaking to one another before following them, seemingly without being noticed.

A/N That is the end of the first chapter! I hope you all are prepared for the next chapter to come out soon! I wanted to create a story on this platform where Female Midoriya Izuku was a Jedi Knight compared to her counterpart in another story that I created called Jedi Hero: Force. This is a small nod to that story as well as a story on The story is called, As the Night is To the Day. Made by, DredgenSoul, and RomanHWOAO3. With that all said and done, if you all want another chapter get this first one to just over 15 reads. See you all later!

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