Ending Slavery in the Outer Rim; Order 66

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of this story! I hope you all are prepared for this chapter's events to come to fruition! I know that I did an any percent speedrun of running to Order 66, but I made sure that things followed the Clone Wars up until we are at the spot where Anakin is falling to the Dark Side of the Force. I am sure that you all wanted me to go over some time of Anakin and Izumi bonding with one another, but in order for the story to flow well, I can't. Let's begin!

Izumi and the rest of the 501st legion of the Clone Army had moved throughout the outer rim clearing planets of Slavers as well as many corporations that condone Slavery. They had spent the remainder of a few months out in the far reaches of the Galaxy whilst everyone was spending their week at Coruscant having cups of tea as well as wine. She had seen many slaves who were begging for either death or to be saved from it, as she freed them on many planets. She even had enough time to help out with Mandalor helping the Mandalorians with their coup against Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Maul. The battle was long and hard fought, but with the assistance of the Mandalorians as well as the Clones she had managed to take down Maul as well as his compatriots. Currently they were on their way back to Coruscant in order to bring Maul into custody of the Republic inside the Jedi Temple. She was currently at the moment, helping Rex in getting the Inhibitor Chip within his brain out using the Force as well as a medical droid. Once the Inhibitor Chip had been taken from his head, she had called in the next few Clones so that she could do the same with them. She only had so much time before the bad feeling she had been holding within herself had been reaching close to it's Apex. She had finally taken care of the last Clones Inhibitor Chip as she felt her abilities within the Force completely dry out. Only one Clone remained as one of the people on the ship to have an Inhibitor Chip within his body. And as soon as they were moving onto the last planet they needed to save from slavery, it was far within the reaches of the Trade Federation's grasps, and Izumi needed to have herself at full strength in order to take them down. From what intel informed her about this specific planet, the members of the Trade Federation as well as the Separatists would be on this planet to conduct a few peace talks within one another's presence. Izumi knew that this would be the perfect time to take them all down without the presence of the Droid Army protecting them all. Unknown to her, on the planet called Utupau, Master Obi Wan Kenobi had just engaged General Grevious, Chancellor Palpatine had announced to Anakin about his placement as a Sith Lord, as well as Anakin going to inform Master Windu about all of this.


As the ship exited from Hyperspace, Izumi and the rest of the 501st Legion of Clones had landed their ship on the Volcanic planet of Mustafar. She stared down at the planet, as she felt the entire thing just be bathed in the power of the Dark Side of the Force. It was here that she felt everything begin to slowly encompass her with the Dark Side of the Force.

'Take out your men! They are useless to you!'
'They will betray you eventually, you must show your power!' 
'Give into the Dark! We will provide you with the power to protect your master!'

Shaking her head in a slight struggle, she focused her mind on taking down the Trade and Separatist Federations. Jumping from the ramp of her ship, Captain Rex as well as the rest of his Clone Squad had followed suit. They had some criminals to detain and desist.

On the other side of the Galaxy, on Planet Coruscant, Jedi Master Windu and three other Master's had entered the office of Chancellor Palpatine. "What can I do for you Master Jedi?" Palpatine questioned, with a faux political voice. "Chancellor Palpatine, you are hereby under arrest for aiding the Trade Federation as well as the Separatists. You are to come with us or come with us with Force." Windu said, as Palpatine growled at him. "You dare threaten me, Master Windu?" He questioned as Windu activated his Lightsaber. "I will do what I must in order to Protect the Republic. Even if I have to kill you to do it." Windu said, as Palpatine chuckled. "Well then, DIE!" Palpatine called out, using a Force Scream to disorient Eagan Kolar and Saesee Tin. As soon as the two were completely disoriented, he attacked them quickly with a spinning jump stabbing the two and slicing off their heads. He moved on to Kit Fisto as well as Mace Windu as he slowly fought them in his office. Moments later he had killed Kit Fisto with a stab wound to the chest, straight through the heart. Master Windu and Palpatine had battled longer as they moved towards the window of the Chancellor's office. But it was showing that Windu was much more powerful than he seemed, as he managed to knock the Chancellor to the ground near the window after breaking it with the Force and sending the Chancellor's weapon out the window. "For the Republic, you are hereby under arrest! Will you yield?" Windu asked, as he pointed his blade at the downed Chancellor. "No... no... NO! YOU DIE!" Palpatine screamed out, launching Sith Lighting towards the Master. Just as Master Windu had managed to deflect all of the Lightning back at Palpatine, the Chancellor's face had become deformed as his face was burned by his own attack. Once Anakin had arrived within the Chancellor's office, he watched as Windu had stood still staring at the Chancellor with eyes that were teetering on the edge of just ending the Chancellor immediately. "What are you doing!?" Anakin called out, gaining the attention of both Palpatine as well as Windu. "Y-You see Anakin! T-The Jedi are t-trying to take over the R-Republic!" Palpatine called out, as Anakin stared at Windu. "Don't listen to him Skywalker! He is lying! He is trying to bring an end to the peace we're so close to having!" Windu said, as Anakin looked at Windu's raised hand. "Killing him is not the Jedi Way!" Anakin said, as Windu thought about what he needed to say.

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