Rebuilding the Jedi Order... Again

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of this story! I hope you all haven't been waiting very long for this chapter to come out. I wanted to make this chapter to be something that prepared everyone for how Izumi will be gaining a new Padawan in order to train them for the life of a Jedi. She will be meeting Nash again at some point in the story but just not yet. Nash will have fallen to the Dark Side of the Force and will be after her only because he wishes to end her for revenge.

Izumi landed her ship in the forest inside the middle of Musutafu Japan. She had been feeling through the Force if her master had survived the attack of the Evil Sith Warrior ghosts on Coruscant. But she couldn't feel his life force within the Living Force anymore, so as she felt throughout the Force itself, she soon felt him appear behind her. And as she turned around to see if he was alright, she soon found herself holding a hand over her mouth as she gasped in horror. Anakin was standing as a Force Ghost in front of her as he held a sad smile on his face before walking towards her. 

"I'm sorry for not surviving on Coruscant. Palpatine had somehow survived our encounter on Coruscant and as a Force Ghost tried to possess me only for me to end my own life to prevent it. You must continue your own journey as a Jedi without me." Anakin said, as Izumi nodded. She couldn't bear to watch as Anakin was fading from view as she looked about the small forest she remembered as a small child. It had only been a few months since she joined the Jedi, and now she must rebuild the whole thing on her own. Cracking her own knuckles, she started using the Force in order to transform the forest into a Temple for the Jedi Order. Something she can rebuild until she gains a good following such as the last time they had a massive following of Jedi. As she was building the Jedi Temple on the ground in front of her, she was unaware of the people who were exploring the forest looking in her direction with confusion as well as awe.

After what appeared to be a few hours of moving the forest with her mind, she had finally managed to finish her own version of a Jedi Temple. Placing the sigil of the Jedi on the Temple's outer shell, she entered the place and started to clean it up to prepare herself to make some time to train younglings in the way of the Force. She will not make the same mistake as Master Yoda and the other's when they had their own Jedi Temple as well as Order. She will take anyone at any age into her fold and allow them to learn the ways of the Force.


Over the next few months, Izumi would be seen clearing up the Temple that she had built in the forest as she fought off contractors who wanted to turn it into something different. These people were very greedy individuals who saw her ability to create from nothing and thought about taking her for themselves. But each time they came to grab her, she used the Force to send them all away. It all came to a head when a Hero had come by because of some things that had caused a ruckus as he was training his own student on a nearby beach. 

Walking through the forest he found himself moving throughout the calming aura of the forest until he found the temple. Moving towards it, he didn't know why but he felt a presence inside that was calm, serene and most of all balanced. Entering the temple, he noticed that the person in the middle of the temple itself was a young girl who appeared to be his own successor's age. And moving closer to her, he stood off to the side as the young girl had opened her eyes to stare at him. He wasn't very good looking if he said so himself, he was very sickly looking and lanky. Even if he was the Number 1 Hero within the world he was still looking as though a mere breeze could knock him over.

"What brings you here sir?" The girl asked, as the man spoke. "My name is Toshinori Yagi, and I couldn't help but notice how calm and serene this place is." Yagi said, as he stared at her. "Well I did build this place with that in mind. Are you here for some teachings of the Force?" She asked, as Yagi shook his head. "No, I just came here to look around. It for some reason brings me peace." Yagi said, as he looked at the girl. "My name is Midoriya Izumi, and I had built this Temple about a few days ago. I am waiting for people to allow me to train their younglings so that I can teach them the ways of the Force." Izumi said, as Yagi nodded. "Do you think you can teach my student about this... Force as well?" Yagi asked, as Izumi tilted her head. "What are you talking about sir?" Izumi asked, as Yagi spoke again. "Well my successor, I don't know why I am telling you this, but they are having issues in using their own Quirk as well as power. And I think that if you show them this Force ability you are talking about... it could help them learn how to wield their own quirk as well." Yagi said, as Izumi stared at him. "You're lying about their quirk; I can tell by the way you speak." Izumi said, as Yagi simply slumped. "I'm sorry, it's just really hard to talk to people about the Quirk I am giving to her. She is my best friend's daughter, and I am helping her become the best Hero she could ever be. And I just want her to have something else in her arsenal should the Quirk I am about to give her fail." Yagi said, as Izumi nodded. "Show me where you are located, and I will see what I can do." Izumi said, as Yagi let her follow him. 

They exited the temple as Yagi watched her close the doors with a massive boulder and use this Force thing to cover the entire thing with a mist. Walking through the forest after locking up the Temple, they soon found themselves not too far away as Izumi stared at a trash filled beach. It was almost completely emptied of its trash, but she still hated how it looked. And running back and forth from the beach to the edge of the road was a blonde-haired girl who was looking worse for wear. She noticed the stare she was getting as Izumi stepped forwards as she seemingly blushed. 

"Uncle Yagi, who is she?" The girl asked, as Izumi introduced herself. "I am Midoriya Izumi, and I am the... Grandmaster of my New Jedi Order. And I am looking for new recruits to join me. But it seems your mentor had found me first asking that I assist you in learning your new Quirk." Izumi said, as the girl looked at Yagi himself who shrugged. "My name is Melissa Shield, and I hope to learn much from you Mrs. Midoriya." Melissa said, as Izumi blushed slightly. "I'm only 15. But you can call me Izumi." She said, with a light blush on her face from embarrassment. "Wait, you physically look older than what you really are!" Melissa said, as Izumi nodded. "War will do that to anyone." Izumi said. 

The two would move out onto the trash heap as Yagi watched the two-toss ideas at one another before they got into training. He found the perfect successor as well as the perfect teacher for her as well, he can only hope and pray that his master isn't angry for what he is doing at the moment. For the next few months of the two working on the trash beach, Izumi was seen teaching Melissa about the Force as well as all the abilities it has. Izumi was going over everything she had ever learned in the few months she had learned under Anakin Skywalker. And Melissa was taking to it like a fish to water, she was already capable of using the Force as she had seemingly done it with building machines. Izumi at the moment was teaching the young woman how to use her Force abilities without having to suffer from her quirk's problems. 

"So if you don't mind me asking, what is your Quirk?" Izumi asked, as Melissa stopped where she was. "Didn't Yagi tell you? He was giving me his own quirk. I... I don't have one." Melissa said, as Izumi stared at her in shock. "Double jointed toe?" Izumi asked, quietly as Melissa nodded dumbly. Izumi then smiled at her as she showed her Quirkless Red shoes she kept on her at all times. And Melissa smiled at seeing someone who is just like her, but then she realized something. "Are you sure that you don't have a Quirk Midoriya-chan? You can use so many abilities that there is no way it's not a Quirk." Melissa asked as Izumi shook her head. "I was born Quirkless. But I was also born with the ability to use the Force, just had to be trained in order to use it myself." Izumi said, as she looked to the sky. "Who taught you how to use this... Force?" Melissa asked, sitting next to Izumi. "His name was Anakin Skywalker. He was the Chosen One as the prophecy foretold in the ancient texts about bringing Balance to the Force. He had already finished that title, and now he is one with the Force itself." Izumi said, as Melissa smiled. "Well I should be heading back to the Temple, it was nice teaching you everything I know at the moment." Izumi said, standing up. "Well it was nice meeting you Midoriya-chan. Do you think you will want to join UA Academy for Heroics?" Melissa asked, as Izumi thought about it. "What makes you think I want to become a Hero now?" Izumi asked, looking at her confused. "Well, you have the power as well as mind to be one, not to mention that you could gain a good following for your Order if you become one. Your temple could be a Hero Agency as well disguised as an old Temple within the forest." Melissa said, as Izumi thought about it. "Well you're not entirely wrong, but I might as well try and become a Hero." Izumi said. as Melissa smiled. "Well I will see you at UA in a few months then." Melissa said, moving back to work.

The two's journey as the next heirs to the Jedi Order will begin in the next chapter.

A/N That is the end of the chapter! I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did! I wanted this one to be short as it shows how Izumi meets Melissa Shield. Also, Melissa Shield is All Might's successor in this story. By me having Melissa Shield learn about the Force in this version of events, it will allow the young woman to have something else to rely on should One for All not work out for her in a specific fight. And if she can rely on something else for her to defend herself, then that will be overall fine for the story. Please don't take this seriously, it's a fanfiction as well. It's not meant to be understood, just a fun story to make. See you all later!

1970 Words!

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