Jedi in a Hero School

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of this story! I hope you all are as happy that this chapter is being released as much as I am! I wanted to make sure that this story marinated a little bit before making another chapter for you all to enjoy. So here it is and let us continue the story!

Izumi sat within her temple, it had been a few more hours since she had left the school of UA Academy with her head held high. She was in the middle of her temple allowing the Force to encompass her from all directions as she calmed her mind as much as possible. She kept herself attuned to the Force as she sensed every living thing that moved about the forest that surrounded her home. As she sensed movement coming towards the temple, she moved from her spot and went to meet the incoming energy outside of her home. She came face to chest with Toshinori as the old frail man stood proudly in front of her as he gave her a letter. 

"Welcome to the Temple Toshinori. What brings you here, aside from the letter?" Izumi asked, as Toshinori smiled. "I came here to deliver your letter from UA as well as give you your uniform from it as well." Toshinori said, as he handed her a small package of a grey and blue uniform. "Thank you for this Toshinori-san, but what am I supposed to do right now? I need to stay within the Temple and get some learners for the Force." Izumi said, as Toshinori smiled. "Don't worry, this place will be kept under lock and key during the day whilst you are at UA. Principal Nezu has set up some robots from his school in order to bring your temple there." Toshinori said, as Izumi felt a little concerned about that. "I never gave him permission to move my temple like that. What gives him the right to do that without conversing with me?" Izumi asked, looking at the old hero. "Because I am here to discuss these terms!" A chirpy voice came from behind the two causing Izumi to ignite her lightsaber and point it at the new arrival. "Why are you here!? How did you find this place!" Izumi said, pointing her blade at the small animal. "Well as much as I would love to assist your questions, we really need to enter the building, there might be some people who you don't wish to overhear our conversation nearby." Nezu said, as he pointed to a black car outside of the forest. 

Letting out a sigh, Izumi placed her weapon back on her hip before using the Force to create a small mirage in front of her temple causing the car who was looking in their direction to become wary.


Izumi had stared at Nezu as the small mammal brought out some tea for the group to drink. She kept a very close eye on the Principal as he gathered his thoughts in order to begin his own little interrogation. She looked over at Toshinori this time to find the much older man as well as Hero was looking slightly worried at the Principal's presence within the temple. 

"Can you please tell me what is going on? Why was there a mysterious vehicle outside the forest where my temple resides?" Izumi questioned as Nezu gained a smile. "They are from the Hero Public Safety Commission. They had recently noticed your temple not too long ago, just before the Entrance Exams to be in fact. They had been keeping an eye on you for a long while Midoriya-san." Nezu said, as Izumi looked at the principal with a cold gaze. "How long?" Izumi demanded as the small mammal smiled again. "About 5 months since you returned back from space." Nezu said, as Izumi sat there thinking. "From what I know young Midoriya, the HPSC has been trying to get their grasp on you ever since you returned back from Space. And they are going to try and send people to try and claim this building as their own, especially since you don't have any kind of deed to this land." Toshinori said, as Izumi looked at him. "I may not have the deed to this land, but at the very same time, this building was created by me. And I will not allow them to take it from me, they will have to pry it from my cold dead fingers." Izumi growled but calmed herself.

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