Jedi Training

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to this story! I hope you all enjoyed the previous chapter to the extent I wanted you to like it. I know that I didn't do very much with Nash's character in this story since I made him Izumi's official Padawan, but since she is separated from Nash at the moment and he is now beginning to have a very strong hate towards her, she can't do anything for him. So she will be taking on Melissa as a Padawan for the moment until he returns. See you all at the end of the chapter! No image this week!

Izumi was moving through the motions of the Jedi Order's fighting styles that they had created. She was currently using Form 7 of the Jedi arts, Vaapad. She was channeling all the darkness that was coming from a hologram of Darth Maul and was fighting him to her best ability. She used the darkness of his soul as well as fighting style in order to over power as well as swiftly defeat him without any issues. He even tried a move where he attacked her face with the middle of his saber in order to knock her off balance. But she sliced through the weapon as she sliced through the body of Maul himself as the hologram had dissipated from existence. Moving to the side, Izumi sat down on a pillow as she let her inner feelings flow out and slowly disappear into nothingness. It was here that a feminine voice called out to her as she opened an eye to reveal Melissa in Jedi Garb. 

"You know, when I heard that you had a weird clothing attire, I didn't think it would make you look mysterious." Melissa said, as she entered the room. "What my attire says about me shows that I am powerful, but at the same time... I do not require the different clothes of our race." Izumi said, as she closed her eye once again meditating. "What are you doing then?" Melissa questioned as she sat down like Izumi. "I'm meditating, I do this after a very hard battle, or after a good spar. Generally, when my emotions are too high, and I need to calm down. It's a really good way to calm down after a good battle." Izumi said, as she let out a sigh. "Wow, so what is this Order you wish for me to join by the way?" Melissa asked, as she pulled out a notebook. "The Order I work with is now dead. But I am rebuilding it on Earth so that I can get some more Force Sensitives to become Jedi with me. But we are naturally peacekeepers of the Force, we deal with people or aliens who are naturally wishing to disrupt said peace." Izumi said, as Melissa thought about something. "So you're like Heroes for the Galaxy?" She asked, looking at Izumi with confusion. "I guess you can say that, my Master was the Hero of the Clone Wars." Izumi said, as Melissa stared at her in confusion. "Clone Wars?" She asked, as Izumi gave her a look of don't talk about it.


The Temple was filled with the sounds of Lightsaber's clashing as Toshinori had entered the Temple of the Jedi Izumi. He hadn't thought much of her these past few weeks of training Melissa in the ways of a Jedi, but he couldn't help but see how she was taking to these lessons much better than he thought. He walked through the Temple as he soon found Melissa locked in harsh combat with Izumi as the young girl had been landed blow after blow on his successor without mercy. Melissa was doing her very best from what he could see from how she fought defensively as he watched from afar. Smiling at how his successor was moving throughout the room with as much grace as she could, he happily sat down and continued to watch from a seated position. Today was the day that he planned on giving Melissa his Quirk in order to pass the torch, she had been working really hard in order to become a Hero and this is her start point.

The two girls moved throughout the Temple as they sliced at one another with speed and precision. Izumi though was moving faster than Melissa was considering her longer time with knowing the Lightsaber she was currently using. She had been fighting with a green lightsaber as she had been powering through Melissa's training Lightsaber with ease. A swing from Melissa's right towards Izumi was blocked before Izumi had kicked Melissa back with a powerful right hook leg strike. Then Izumi jumped towards Melissa as she swung in a large arc that Melissa was forced to block with all her strength before she went for a leg sweep that Izumi jumped over. As Izumi landed on her feet not too far away, she used the Force and lifted Melissa up in the air and tossed her backwards towards the sitting Toshinori. As soon as Melissa had slammed into Toshinori's body, he had fallen backwards not really expecting his body to take the fall for Melissa. Izumi then turned off her Lightsaber as Melissa had done her very best in order to stand back up but couldn't. Walking over she held out her hand as Melissa took it and was pulled up revealing a Toshinori who was struggling to sit back up. 

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