Sidious versus Anakin and Izumi

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of this story! I hope you all have not been waiting too long for this chapter as well! I will not be stating who Izumi's Padawan will be since only one person has made a comment on the Author Note. If you all want to know, Melissa Shield is now a part of those who can become a Padawan... although she is older than Izumi... I wanted to have Melissa on the list to show that she has abilities within the Force.

It has been about a week since the arrest of Palpatine, and he was glowering inside the cell within the Jedi Temple. He had been so close to complete his plans of turning the Republic into his own personal Empire, but because of a simple change in Padawan's, Skywalker was now free from his manipulations. He will get his revenge, but as of right now... he needs to wait until his ally can get him free from this prison. 

Up on the upper floors of the Jedi Temple, Izumi and Anakin were training in a sparring match against one another. Anakin had been given the rank of Master, whilst Grandmaster Yoda had placed himself in exile considering the fact he never noticed Sidious underneath his nose. And in that time frame it was shone that most of the Jedi Council who were on it, were very blinded by the peace they were living in. So most of them, barring Anakin and Obi Wan, were taken from their positions within the council and replaced with those who were much more adhering to the Jedi Code of old. But back to Anakin and Izumi training together, the two were showing off their skills to a bunch of Jedi Younglings who were in awe of their small dance. Anakin using the Force to guide his strikes as Izumi did the same, their styles of differing Lightsaber combat showing true. Whilst Anakin used Shi Cho, Izumi used a mixture of Soresu, Ataru and Shi Cho in order to keep up with his speed and power. They entered a few clashes as they tried to overpower and overcome the defenses of the other a few times before pulling away before they entered combat once again. By the time their display was over, the two were covered in sweat and were out of the room before the younglings could even question what had happened between the two.

"How are the kids master?" Izumi asked, looking at Anakin. "They're becoming strong in the Force, it's only a matter of time before they begin their own training in utilizing the power." Anakin said, as the Jedi Knight nodded. They continued their walk until they reached the lower floors of the Jedi Temple to talk to Palpatine. They had done this many times in order to see if they could bring him back from the Dark Side of the Force... but their attempts in the past were not getting anywhere. "I wonder if he will listen to reason Master, the last few times we'd talked to him, he was more on the lines of wishing for our demise." Izumi said, as Anakin nodded. "The simple fact that he targeted my wife over the many years of the Clone Wars was enough for me to know that he wasn't really looking out for me. But to know that he would've made me kill younglings to achieve his goal of making me his apprentice... I wish I had never met him as a child." Anakin said, as they arrived at Palpatine's cell... only to find it empty.




"We need to warn the Jedi!" Izumi called out, as the two ran away from the cell. Looking inside of it, we could only see a small note on the wall stating only four words. "The Jedi Will Fall."


Running through the halls, Palpatine had finally made it to the Chancellor's Office as he prepared to use the code words on the holographic projector. "Commander Cody." Palpatine called out as the Clone appeared on the hologram. "What is it? What!? How are you out of prison!" Cody called out as Palpatine called out to him again. "Execute Order 66." He said, as the Clone stared at him for a moment before chuckling. "Sorry Palpatine, but we don't take orders from traitors." Cody said, ending the transmission. As Palpatine was wondering how this was happening, he turned over and saw a green lightsaber ignite not too far away. "Defeat you I must. Protect the Jedi, I will." A familiar voice said, as Palpatine growled out his anger and launched himself from the building.

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