Author Note

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 Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of this story! I hope you all have been loving how everything in this story has been going so far! Izumi will not be returning back to Earth for right now considering the fact that she has been focusing on becoming a Jedi at the moment. She will be heading to Earth when she attains the rank of Master though. That I will state. Now in terms of everything that has happened in the story so far. I apologize if you all wanted to see more of the story, but I need to get this out before I continue tomorrow. I want you all to tell me who you all want for Izumi to have as a Padawan from Coruscant. There are many Jedi Younglings who will be reaching the Padawan-hood where they will be trained by Jedi Masters as well as Jedi Knights. Izumi will be having to choose between all of the students who are still training to become Padawan's and considering the fact that Izumi is only around 15 when she became a Jedi Knight... I want you all to give me your opinions on who should become her Padawan. These are the choices that I can tell you at the moment.

Jedi Younglings:

Kai Brightstar (Male Human)
Lys Solay (Pantoran Female)
Nubs (Pooba Male)
Nash Durango (Female Human +Pilot/Mechanic)
Reva Sevander (Female Human)
Gungi (Wookie)
Melissa Shield (Female Human from Earth)

Alright those are the names of the potential Jedi Younglings that you all have to choose from in order for them to become Izumi's Padawan to learn from her. I hope you all are prepared for the next chapter for this story since I can't wait to continue it until Izumi reaches the echelons of being a Master of the Jedi. Once she attains that level of experience as well as power, she will return back to Earth in order to create a Jedi Order there for the planet to be capable of defending itself. See you all later! Leave a comment down below who you all want to be Izumi's Padawan!

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