First Steps as a Jedi

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A/N Hello everyone, I hope you all enjoyed the previous two chapters of this story as we continue the life of Female Izuku as she traverses the Galaxy as a Padawan of the Chosen One. Now in terms of some confusing problems I had created in the last chapter. Anakin's Padawan in Ahsoka Tano, had been killed in the bombing of the Jedi Temple, and literally a few hours later the Chosen One found the one responsible. Once they were placed in prison, it was literally moments later that Ahsoka's body was found in the wreak age. Anakin in a blind rage, nearly killed the one responsible, before gaining control over himself. Because of Ahsoka's death, he went out to find himself, the Jedi didn't save his Padawan in time, the Jedi couldn't save his mother in time... and on his journey he finds Izuku... who doesn't have anyone to care for her. This explanation is becoming too large, I will talk about it in another chapter. Just imagine Izumi having the same clothing, different Saber later on as well as longer hair. 

Trigger Warning, slight panic attacks. In the story at least not at the start.

Izumi was in her bedroom sleeping, she hadn't been getting a lot of training since she had learned how to use the Force from Shaak Ti within a few hours. She had been having some weird dreams of a future event for a while now, and it centered around the Chancellor and a massive battle that had featured her Master in battle. The opponent wasn't shown in the perspective she was watching from, and even then... she couldn't help but wonder what in the world was happening. Then something happened in the dream that caused her to feel something wrong with everything in the known Galaxy that she could feel. A cold feeling washed over her when she noticed the Chancellor standing over a communicator hologram showing Commander Cody of Obi Wan's own Clone Army. "Execute Order 66." The man said, before Izumi woke up from her dream breathing heavily. Unknown to her, on the other side of Coruscant, Anakin Skywalker had a dream of Padme Amidala dying in childbirth as well as the Chancellor being killed by Mace Windu. Izumi would walk around the Jedi Temple as she found herself inside of a training room all alone. Picking up a training Lightsaber, Izumi started to get some early morning training considering it was only around 4 in the morning. As she trained with the small droid shooting her with training plasma blasts, she was doing her best to feel out where the blasts were coming from. She had stayed in this little game of cat and mouse as she never felt someone enter the room and watch as she blocked and dodged each blaster bolt coming her way. It wouldn't be until she took off the helmet that blocked her view of the small droid that she finally saw that someone was watching her. It was the Grandmaster of the Order, Yoda. He was staring at her with a confused expression on his face as he tried to read her pained expression on her face. "Trouble, you feel. Want to talk?" Yoda asked, with his weird talking pattern. "I-I don't know." Izumi said, as she rubbed her arm. "Worry not, you must. Help you, I will." Yoda said, sitting down on a small pillow he brought with himself. The old Master was still in his sleepwear as he sat down and looked at Izumi with weary eyes, that spoke of a sense of calm and serenity she hadn't felt in years. "I-I-I had a n-nightmare earlier. I-It centered... around the C-Chancellor. I-I hadn't e-even met him... and for some reason... he said three words." Izumi said, as Yoda analyzed her concerned expression. "What troubles you, Young Midoriya?" Yoda asked, as Izumi stared at him with fear written in her features. "Master, what is Order 66?" Izumi asked.


It was later in the morning that Master Yoda took Izumi over to a glacier planet in the far reaches of the Galaxy. She was brought here so that she could find her own Kyber Crystal, especially since she would be going on her first mission as a Jedi Padawan. Yoda walked with her as he continued to walk with an air of confusion as he thought about everything, he talked to her about early that morning. 'Palpatine, has control of Clones he does. But what about the Executive Order?' The old alien questioned in his head. Shaking his head, he looked over at Izumi as she was nervously staring at the massive cave system that they were walking through. Kyber Crystals were everywhere as they traversed the area in search of a crystal that would best suit the young woman. "From here on, alone, you must go. Meet you back here, I will." Yoda said, as Izumi nodded. Walking further down the cave, Izumi felt through the Force as she searched for the right Kyber Crystal for herself. She continued to walk around, until reaching the lower depths of the cave system when a hallucination appeared in front of herself. 

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