Chapter 6

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I highly recommend playing 'crawling back to you' by Arctic Monkeys whilst reading this chapter (where the music starts in the story). Trust me it makes the chapter so much better!

The rest of the night felt like a fever dream; we all continued to down drinks left right and centre, until Chris and Will got so drunk they passed out in the booths and had to be taken home. Me, Freezy and Harry stayed at the bar, continuing to do drinking challenges.

"I bet I- I could do- down three shots before you." Harry slurred to me, handing me three tequila shots and keeping three for himself. Freezy seemed to have zoned out, because he was facing the opposite direction and had no idea what was going on.

"Alright, bet." I nodded at Harry before tapping Freezy on the shoulder, which he suddenly turned around to face us. "W- what do you want." He stuttered, struggling to speak.

"Count us down from 3, we're going to race to see who can down the shots the fastest." I glared into his eyes, trying to keep his attention focused on us.

"Alright, uh, 3, 2, 1, go.

Me and Harry began downing our shots, both finishing the first shot at the same time and scrunching up our faces at the taste of it; Harry seemed to not react as much as me, putting him in the lead and taking another shot.

He took another shot, almost gagging at the taste while I picked up and downed the second shot. I was catching up.

Eventually, Harry took his final shot, swallowing it while trying not to throw up but seizing the victory. I finished the final shot, taking my time to make sure I didn't vomit everywhere.

"See, told you I was best with alcohol. To be fair you're the closest anyone's been to beating me." He held out his hand for me to shake, almost as a good game gesture. I shook his hand before hearing a large thud behind me.

Me and Harry both jumped at the sound and turned around to see an unconscious Freezy laid on the floor. "Looks like he's gone." Harry said, and his words made me chuckle.

"Should we call anyone or?" I questioned, but Harry already seemed like he had an answer.

"It's fine, he called Tobi shortly before, I think he's going to pick him up."

"Ah, alright."

Harry dragged me towards the centre of the dance floor and turned to face me, and since most people had left by this time, the only thing in the background was the sounds of the club's music. The song 'do I wanna know' by Artic Monkeys was playing and by instinct, I walked up to Harry and began to rest my head on his shoulder, mumbling the words "I love this song." (If playing the song in the background, skip to around 2:45)

He gently wrapped his arms around my waist, before whispering into my ears "so do i." He rested his chin on my head.

He began to sway me back and forwards for the most of the music, humming the words while I quietly sung them. "Did anyone tell you that you have an amazing voice?" Harry softly spoke.

"I- actually- no. I used to sing as a child but that's it really." I kept stuttering, flustered by the moment. Nobody had really told me that before.

We both continued to sing the lyrics, getting louder and louder until the song was about to conclude. Then, I lifted my head from Harry's shoulder and turned to face him; I rested my arms around his neck.

I could tell that he was thinking the same thing as me; we both continued to glare into each others eyes, admiring them, before I felt my hand fall to around his shoulders.

(Crawling back to you)

I felt a gentle smile creep upon his face, as his grip tightened around my waist.

(Do I wanna know)

I gave a small smirk back, as we both froze in position.

(If this feeling flows both ways)

We both leant in, my heart pumping as his soft, gentle lips locked with mine.

(Was sort of hoping that you'd stay)

The kiss deepened, as I felt my hands travel to behind his neck again. His right hand travel to my cheek, wiping the hair from behind his ear before returning his hand to my waist.

(That the nights were mainly made for saying things that you can't say tommorow day).

I felt him smile before we both slowly pulled away, continuing to keep the eye contact.

(Too busy being yours to fall-)

Suddenly, we were kissing again. This time my heart felt like it was going to explode as my hands traveled to either side of his face.

(Ever thought of calling darling-)

We both pulled away again, this time my knees felt weak, from what just happened. Then, I suddenly began to panic and my vision went blurry. The last thing I remembered was Harry tucking my head under his chin, as everything when pitch black.

(Do you want me crawling back to you?"

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