Chapter 13

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"You ever been snowboarding before?" I glanced over at Harry, who seemed to be adjusting the straps on his snowboard.

"Yeah, used to go a lot back in the day, you?" He took a massive sigh.

"Yeah, I used to do it as a hobby as a child, don't know if I'm still good at it though." I adjusted my straps on my snowboard before making my way to the start.

"I'm sure you'll be fine, ready?" He glanced at me as he also made his way over to the start.

"Yeah, after you." He held out his arm, signalling for me to go. I nodded at him as I set off.

To start with, I was a bit shaky, with occasionally struggling to stay on my feet as my speed increased, but then, as I kept going along, my technique began to improve.

Soon, I was racing down the mountain as full speed, darting in and out between rocks and even going up a couple of ramps, doing full backflips or tricks.

I felt Harry's presence slowly creeping up beside me, and I slowed down to let it next to me. I managed to shriek "you're actually really good at this!"

He lifted up his stood to shout back "I could say the same about you!"

We both smiled at each other before a thought popped into my head "wanna race to the end?"
Harry glanced to the bottom of the mountain before looking at me again, a mischievous grin spread across his face. "I'm down."

"Okay, ready. Set. Go!." We both began to pick up the speed again as we raced down the mountain, with Harry slightly in front.

Desperately, I scanned the area, looking for a quicker root to overtake Harry; soon enough, I found a path through soon trees, which I headed directly for.

I used to do a lot of training around cones, so going around trees felt like a piece of cake. Clearly, Harry had no idea of my presence, because when I overtook him, he looked at me confused with his eyebrows raised.

In a cocky expression, I winked at him, before turning to face the end of the mountain. We were right next to the end, but just as I was about to reach it, I felt somebody next to me.

I knew it wasn't Harry, because he was the other side of me, but yet again, how could I know for the sure if I couldn't see them.

They overtook me while I just gazed at them, confused from where they came from. They just glared forward, before eventually turning around to face me.

I didn't recognise the figure at all; their outfit was fully black, with a neck scarf and white gloves covering their whole face. The only thing I could make out was that it was a girl, and she seemed to be stopping directly in front of me.

Panicked, I attempted to weave around her, but it was too late, she was already too close to me. I tried to slow down, but i wasn't quick enough, causing me to fly straight into her.

The last thing I remembered was the shadow figure stood staring over me, before everything went black.


Waking up I felt the presence of a fire pit next to me, coating me with warmth while a grey blanket clung tightly around me. As I sat up, several eyes fell onto me. "You ok?" Simon questioned, while Harry darted over towards me and sat on the white sofa beside me.

I gentle rubbed my eyes before furrowing my eyebrows "what the hell happened?"

Harry opened his mouth to speak but before he could, Ethan interrupted "that bitch Laura wiped you out. She didn't even feel sympathy after, she just went straight to Harry."

My eyes widened as I processed the information.

"I ignored her though, I came to see if you were alright and called the emergency services. They brought you here and said you just needed rest." Harry interrupted Ethan, gently brushing his hand through his hair.

Why would Laura do this to me? I knew she was in love with Harry but she couldn't go that far. Family before friends, right?

I pounded onto my feet, a determined look on my face. "Where is she?"

The boys exchanged a concerned look, before turning back to face me. "She's in her room, I think she's up there with Talia." Simon spoke, glaring directly into my eyes.

Abruptly, I paced towards the stairs, not even acknowledging the boys before I left.

That bitch is going to get what's coming for her.

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