Chapter 10

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Strolling along the snow-filled pathways to get to the pub I felt my toes practically frozen, along with my entire body. For some reason, I felt like it would be a good idea to wear a hoodie and cargo pants.

And somehow, I'd managed to leave my coat at home: the worst decision of my life.

Luckily for me, before long we'd reached the pub. Ethan had already booked and organised a table, which we all went to sit at. Laura sat herself next to me, with Tobi sat the other side of me and Harry sat opposite.

It was so obvious why Laura wanted to sit here: to get closer to Harry.

I hadn't actually spoken to Harry since the flight, probably because we'd been too busy unpacking and travelling to talk.

Josh ordered the drinks, with me, Jj, Freezy and Freya ordering a red wine and the others ordering a beer (except for Tobi, who had water). Soon after, they arrived and as I leant over to reach my drink, I felt someone nudge me on the shoulder.

A small bit of my wine spilt, and I frustratedly rolled my eyes. "What do you want."

"Sorry." Laura mumbled sympathetically, before grabbing a napkin and wiping the stain on the table. I gently placed my wine on the table before helping her clean the stain.

She turned to me after, blushing in the cheeks and giving me a mischievous smile. "Harry keeps looking towards us, you think I should say something?"

"Uh. Sure." I said, trying not to sound nervous and immediately looking at my phone, trying to make it seem like I didn't care.

Laura leant over the table, attempting to start a conversation with Harry, and I tried not to cringe.

" got a girlfriend?" She glared into his eyes, and I could tell he was uncomfortable.

"No actually, not for a while. Why?" Harry's eyes glanced over to me, slowly meeting with mine as I looked up from my phone. When he realised I had seen him, his eyes darted back towards Laura.

"Just wondering. So. How's YouTube?" Laura continued to interrogate him, and I could tell Harry was trying to find an excuse to end the conversation, and luckily for him, a waiter came, asking for food. He immediately began to order his food, breaking the conversation with Laura and causing her to slump back onto her chair, before she ordered her food too.

I ordered a chicken and mushroom pizza, which personally, I wouldn't normally eat. But since it's a special occasion, I decided to do so.

Scrolling through instagram I found myself on Harry's profile, looking at his old reels. I somehow didn't realise my volume was at max, because when I clicked on one of his videos, the whole restaurant turned to face me:


Embarrassed, i turned off my phone and slammed it onto the table, to stop the music blasting in front of everyone. The whole table fell into silence, before the laughs of Ethan and Jj began to fill the room, followed by everyone else on the table.

I couldn't help but laugh as well, due to the sheer embarrassment i just went through.

"Seems like you've found my reels." Harry chuckled as my gaze met his. I could see a spark in his eyes that i'd never seen before.

"Yeah, they're....quite.....something." i laughed back.

Somehow, this sparked a conversation between me and Harry, which lasted so long that we both hadn't realised that the food had arrived 10 minutes ago.

"AHEM." Tobi shrieked, which eventually got our attention.

"Are you both going to eat or not?" He impatiently spoke, raising an eyebrow at us both.

Harry glanced over at me one last time before nodding, signalling that we'd finish our conversation later. Then, without a second thought, we both dived into our food.

"Jesus, I'm going to be fat by the end of this" Laura sighed, before leaning back and slouching into her chair.

"I know" I forced a laugh back at her before Laura stood up to head to the toilet. "I'll be back in a sec" she said as she turned to head to the toilets.


"She's- she's quite- idk the word." Harry turned to face me, glaring directly into my eyes.

"I know, she can be a handful." I rolled my eyes at him sarcastically.

"She..... seems a bit obsessed with me." Harry chuckled, but I could tell he was weirded out by this.

"Trust me. She is. Don't tell her I told you though, she'll kill me."

"Don't worry, I won't." Harry held out his hand for me to shake, almost like keeping a promise. I shook his hand back before turning to see Laura heading back towards the table. Me and Harry shared a short glance before Harry looked towards his phone, and I turned to face Laura.

"What was that about?" Laura raised an eyebrow at me. I hesitated.

"Nothing, just conversation." I avoided her gaze.

"Hmm aright, if you say so."

Suddenly, the booming voice of Josh spoke over everyone. "Ready to go everyone? We're off clubbing."

Everyone nodded before standing up to leave. "I can't wait for tonight." Laura squealed, as I just smiled back, excited for tonight.

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