Chapter 16

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Waking up I felt a gentle hand brush against my stomach. As I turned around on the bed I was met with Harry's face, still fast asleep. "Shit", I mumbled, before quickly reaching over to grab my phone.

I had no idea what happened last night, but all I knew was that I had to get back to my room, and fast, before anyone noticed I was here.

Cautiously, I slipped out of the bed, lifting up Harry's arm so I wouldn't disturb him as I got up. As I tip-toed over to the door, I felt footsteps approaching. Shit.

Rapidly, I darted over to his bathroom, immediately locking the door as I felt a figure enter. "Yo mate you got my phone, I can't find it anyw- oh." I could make out the voice as a deep but soft one, which I assumed to be Tobi's. I think he realised that Harry was still asleep, because right after, I felt him slip out the door again, locking it gently.

Hurriedly, I unlocked the bathroom door before sprinting towards to entrance to his room. Quietly, I peered out of the room, scanning to make sure the coast was clear before tiptoeing back to my room.

Thank god nobody saw me.


Lazily, I dragged myself out of my room, my suitcase trailing behind me. Unfortunately, the holiday had come to an end, and all that was left was for me to say goodbye to the magnificence of France.

"Nancy, you coming?" I heard Josh's booming voice shriek, before I made my way down the stairs, lifting up the suitcase as I snuck down.

"Here" I replied as I arrived, glancing over at everyone before my eyes locked onto Harry's. We exchanged a mischievous glance, before he began weaving his way through the crowds in order to reach me.

As he landed in front of me, we both just stood awkwardly, unsure of what to say. Eventually, I had to break the silence. "So..."

"Sooo...." He replied with a raspy voice, as his eyes fell onto the floor below.

"Am I still going to be able to see you when we go home?" He spoke, a clear sense of nerves in his voice.

"Obviously. Why would I abandon what we have now? Who cares what Laura thinks anymore, she isn't the boss of me." I fell my hand creep onto his, slowly interlocking our fingers; Harry's head began to dart around, alerted incase anyone saw us holding hands.

"You ok?" I asked, clearly confused.

"Yeah, just thinking." He spoke softly as his eyes fell back onto mine. We just stood there, lovestruck and following each other's eyes.

"Hola lovebirds" almost out of nowhere, Ethan appeared with his arms resting on mine and Harry's shoulders, along with Simon trailing closely behind.

"Fucking hell mate, you scared me." Harry's voice changed to a more irritated one, as his hand suddenly let go of mine.

Simon glanced down before appearing beside Ethan. "You lot don't need to hide that you clearly like each other. I saw you holding hands there." Playfully, he wiggled his eyebrows, as I turned to roll my eyes. "Whatever mate, you're hallucinating."

A mischievous smirk crept upon his face, before his eyes widened with shock. "Wait, Ethan. You know how we could hear banging last night. You don't think that could be-."

"Oh my god YES." Ethan turned to Simon, both clearly exhilarated by their discovery. I couldn't help but blush, and I could tell Harry was feeling the same way.

Just as I was about to interrupt them both, Jj's voice was heard, "everyone ready to go?" As we all turned to face him, we nodded. Then, we headed out the door.

The plane ride home went quite smoothly: I sat next to Talia (Just to lower suspicions about me and Harry) and we both went to sleep, knackered after the amazing trip we'd just had.

Stepping out of the plane, a rough, cool gale smacked against my face, reminding me of the misery I had returned home to. I didn't even think about what I wanted to do today, because as soon as I reached my house, I changed into a baggy top and Nike pros and collapsed onto my bed, faking straight asleep.

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