Warm and Safe

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Lili's POV

It was warm and safe, although surprisingly loud in the womb. Constant chatter, not because of whatever roamed on the outside, but because of the other little one right next to me. The task of keeping up with her mind was utterly exhausting at times, but I empathized with her curiosity and rushing tangents; I was the same. It didn't take long before I had grown accustomed to her thought patterns mixing with my own.

The loudest voice of the people from the outside was feminine and smooth. She would talk to the little boy she thought she was to deliver, trying to comfort him with her unconditional love and protection. Little did she know her predictions were completely off; instead of one boy, she would give birth to two daughters days from now.

Ever since I gained consciousness, I knew I wasn't alone in the enclosed walls of flesh. My twin would reach her hand out to me and communicate with words and images, filling me in on things I've missed when I was asleep. I, however, had no way to reciprocate my ideas with her that I could actually hear every single thought and comment that popped into her innocent head and that her actions were basically pointless, even if I appreciated the gesture.

The first time I heard her, she was thinking about how she liked the proximity of our mother reaching out to us in greeting with her enormous hand. Hearing my sister's thoughts for the first time I was confused as to how she was talking already, wishing I was capable of the skill too before I realized I could hear her thoughts and her thoughts alone. Maybe it was because we were twins.

Through trial and error, I soon realized that she couldn't hear me and that the communication we would have inside our warm cocoon would be one-sided. She'd look at me and reach for my hand, sometimes even if I was asleep. When I was able to tell her, I'd planned on telling her to cut that out. I noticed every time she wanted to communicate with me, she would reach for my hand.

Waking up from a little nap, Sissy once again put her hand on my arm not giving me a chance to gain my bearings, an impatient take-the-situation-in-to-her-own-hands kind of girl from the beginning. Without a second thought, she showed me the voices she heard coming from the outside of our home from earlier, a conversation probably not meant for our little ears. Even though we couldn't see their faces we knew it was tense, the tone of their voices pained and the beats of silence thickened the atmosphere.

"The fetus isn't compatible with your body. It's too strong. It won't allow you to get the nutrition you need. It's starving you by the hour. I can't stop it, and I can't slow it down. At this rate, your heart will give out before you can deliver."

Renesmee's Twin - Lili Anne CullenWhere stories live. Discover now