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As Alice and Jasper glided across the snow covered field, Alice's eyes glazed over, her pace slowing to a stop. Jasper reacted by shielding her from the Volturi in her vulnerable state, recognizing what her actions meant. Alice's vision showed images of her and I in Volterra, Aro training my ability, Mom and Dad visiting us with Ness and Jasper. They would put effort into an unsubtle amount of warmth in their accommodations hoping I would have a good enough impression to come back. Feigning ignorance would be my weapon on my return home. I knew better from the nature of Aro's thoughts to expect he wouldn't try to convince me to stay with them more than a year. Her vision over, Alice looked at me with fear and understanding at my decision, "I'll go with you."

Dad saw everything I had and with Alice's expression directed towards me, he had understood what my decision insinuated. Head turned down at me, Dad refused, "No. You can't." I calmly responded, "I must. Aro changed his mind. He will insist on taking me as a solution instead of fighting. If our side starts something over it, there will be no chance of survivors including Alice. I'm not willing to take that chance." I kept my expression rigidly neutral as I ran as fast as I could just to stop in front of Aro, his guards reflexively putting their arms up before him, not anticipating my sudden appearance, "I'll take your deal, only if Alice comes with and my family is allowed to visit at the very least once a month." Aro grinned pleased with my answer, "Done."

Mom tried to run after me, "Lili! What are you doing? Get back here!" Dad stopped her with venom welling in his eyes, "Don't. If you try to stop her or fight, it'll just make things worse. Aro wants Lili more than anything, even more than Alice. He'll do anything. We need to let her take the deal to go with Alice. That's the best chance she has." Mom looked at Dad as if he had grown another head, "No way, are you crazy? I'd rather die than let them take her." Dad's nostrils flared, "I know, but please. She will be safer with Alice than without." Mom finally catched on to what he was saying as she buried her face into him. 

Alice joined my side, her expression now hardened confidently, "We will gather our things tonight and join you in Volterra tomorrow." Aro shook his head, "Nonsense, you will leave with us now. Anything you need will be collected." Eyes bulging, Caius questioned, "Did you think to ask how I felt about this solution before bargaining?" Now in a hushed whisper, Caius continued, "We've never made a deal like this, our strength will be questioned. It's too risky." Marcus cut in, "She is but a child, an extraordinary child at that. A unique solution fits the situation." Aro was taken back by Marcus's sudden involvement, his demeanor typically numb and detached, following Caius and Aro without much thought.

Clearing his throat, Aro concluded the discussion, "Two thirds rule in favor of the agreement. It's been decided." With a nod from Aro, two of his minions moved towards our family who were now huddled around each other to collect our belongings. He was too paranoid that his "treasures" would be stolen or try to flee with false promises.

Renesmee's Twin - Lili Anne CullenWhere stories live. Discover now