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Emmett insisted that I take a bubble bath too, seeing the opportunity for another picture perfect memory to add to the scrapbook, which a moment before did not exist. The four adults huddled and crouched down next to the bathtub, all wanting to be a part of the action. I didn't know how to act at the thought of more pictures, but I was quickly distracted by my new environment, half my body submerged in bubbles. The bathtub's bottom was completely covered with the small scale reflections my eyes could focus on. A familiar flash reminded me why we were here. Tiny clusters of bubbles floated in the air, easily manipulated and impacted by the slightest of movement. Ness had somehow gotten a pile of bubbles gathered on top of her head, like a little foam hat. It was odd that she had gotten so immersed as we hadn't been introduced to the warm water nearly a minute ago. I looked back towards the adults suspiciously.

Nana and Rosalie awed at our bubble filled curiosity. Everything we did was followed by a positive reaction from our family. Every new discovery, question, and interaction stole the attention of every one of them. It was a new concept to me. Not two days ago some were concerned we were devil spawn, and here they were now cooing at us playing in a sea of bubbles. Unlike I thought, Emmett wasn't the reason Ness had bubbles on her head. I watched from his memory my distracted encounter with the bubbles as Ness, who sat next to me, played violently with the bubbles. She threw them up in the air, some even getting on my own head. I was too fascinated with the new sensations to realize. As I came back to reality I touched the top of my head only to find I had a little foam hat of my own.

Emmett came to a realization, "Wait, we don't even have toys for this! I thought something was missing." Rose replied, "You're right, that would be a nice touch." Nana gasped at the missed chance. Pop-Pop reasoned with them, "This won't be the last bubble bath." Oh god. It was undeniable, we'd be put in all kinds of costumes and scenes for family pictures in the future. I could see the cogs working in their minds and Alice wasn't even present. With her influence it would be so much more theatrical and dramatic. 

Ness was enjoying every second of it. I hoped I'd get used to it eventually. Maybe Ness's enthusiasm and bubbly personality would rub off on me eventually. Well, maybe I didn't want to be exactly like her either. Ness could be a bit much. It didn't stop me from leaning my head on her shoulder to absorb her positivity, but it only served as another picture perfect pose in the eyes of the adults in the room. The bubbles that rested on my head now squished against Ness's cheek. She squealed and splashed the water. If Emmett was going to take any more pictures, I was going to splash him myself.

The water lost its heat and so we were toweled and dried off. Ness whined and fussed, not wanting to leave her sudsy castle, though there weren't many bubbles left. I welcomed the pleasant change. My fingers had become wrinkled and pruny and I was starting to shiver. The towels that were wrapped around us were a gentle light blue with hoods and pockets at the top intended for hands. When I looked over at Ness, her towel had soft spikes sticking up in a line going down her neck to her back. Emmett smiled at the dinosaur towels Rose found. Rose told Ness as she booped her nose with her finger, "Dinosaurs go rawr." Emmett rubbed his partner's shoulder in adoration. He thought she was absolutely adorable, even when she was a hothead ready to explode.

Renesmee's Twin - Lili Anne CullenWhere stories live. Discover now