Chocolate Chips

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Jacob made various idiotic choices in the past. My dad's memories held enough evidence of such. What he did today was the cherry on top of it all. He shifted in front of Mom's father, who previously had no involvement or knowledge of the supernatural. And now Charlie was on his way to see his now extremely dangerous daughter who, to my knowledge, has had no interaction with humans since her body had been frozen in time forever not even 24 hours ago. My family had less than 10 minutes to prepare Mom to restrain herself and act like a human.

By the time Charlie had arrived, Mom had practiced the bare minimum. As Carlisle opened the door, his scent wafted through the house, a combination of blackberries and honey. No one had thought about how Ness and I would do being around a human for the first time. We had been around the shapeshifters, but they were different. Their scent repulsed us if anything. I thought of their blood like I thought of broccoli, not very appetizing, but not absolutely disgusting like rotten meat.

Charlie's presence didn't make my throat burn at all like I assumed it made Mom's. My mouth, however, watered at the sweet smell that radiated from the pumping of his rushing blood. I easily ignored it after I was first exposed to it, a very convenient attribute that came with being a vampire-human hybrid. Jasper, being the newest to our family's diet, excluding Mom, had the most trouble ignoring his instincts of the vampires in the room. His body became rigid and Alice held onto his arm in comfort as she usually did when they were in public surrounded by humans.

His voice had a similar timbre, though masculine and deep, to Mom's when she was human. Charlie sounded aged, gruff. Mom's voice as a vampire was more bell-like. He immediately recognized a change in her appearance, surprised by how healthy and radiant his daughter was. The past month he was deeply worried for Mom. She had been extremely distant in her newfound mystery illness. Mom told Charlie she was getting better, but he suspected otherwise. Towards the end of Mom's pregnancy, Charlie had been ignoring the feeling that Mom was dying, though it was eating him inside. He already thought she was acting oddly, but after Jake exposed his wolf to him, Charlie had no doubt that something supernatural was at play with Mom's supposed change.

Despite Charlie believing his words were for Bella alone, everyone in the house could hear the two of them whether they wanted to or not. The furniture shifted as Charlie sat down, "Uh, Jake said this was necessary...What does that mean?" Mom tried to respond, "I really think it would be better," but Charlie interrupted, desperate for answers, "I wanna know what happened to you." We all knew where this was heading. Would he accept that the information he deserved as her father would be kept from him? 

Mom was straightforward and honest, "I can't tell you." Charlie insisted, "I think I deserve an explanation." He really did. I felt sorry for him. Mom explained with guilt, "You do. But if you really need one, I can't stay here." Charlie reacted in panic, "Oh, come on! No! No more going away!" Mom took a breath before continuing, "Dad, you're just gonna have to trust that for whatever reason, I'm alright. I'm more than alright. Can you live with that?" Charlie exhaled, "Can I live with that? Well, I don't know, Bella. I mean, I just watched a kid I've known his entire life turn into a very large dog. My daughter looks like my daughter, but doesn't." His confusion was warranted, which made what Mom had to do next the more difficult.

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