Football and Applesauce

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Alice dressed me up the next morning as well, determined to do so as soon as we were conscious. Dad refused to let Alice use Ness as a dress-up doll at first, but soon after my sister started to feel left out. Renesmee tended to be more picky, preferring mellow warm tones. I didn't show any preference, not caring as much as Alice did about what I wore. Of course I did really, but I wasn't doing this for myself. I'd lay silently, listening to Alice consider color palettes, cuts, and aesthetics, debating which suited my personality and skin tone.

The long haired blonde followed along with Alice's dressing routine. In a high pitched tone she only used with Ness and I, she introduced herself as Auntie Alice and the man with her as Uncle Jasper. His mind was quiet and calm, a drastic contrast to his partner's. He could sense people's moods, it seemed. He'd noted to himself in amusement commenting on my truly neutral state before he remembered the time he first grew accustomed to Alice's fashion tyranny, all of the clothes she made him go through, all of the money and wasted resources just because Alice claimed it was "out of season." Jasper visually shuttered at the thought.

He insisted on donating the clothes, and so whenever Alice decided it was needed, they'd make a run to the Goodwill in Port Angeles. Jasper and his partner had to downsize routinely to keep up with the constant flow of Alice's shopping sprees. So, wherever they roamed, they'd soon be regulars there. He remembered all the dejected and negative emotions seeping from the workers at their arrival with yet another load consisting of bags and boxes filled with designer clothing. Piles of folded cotton and silk overflowed, excluding what had to be incinerated: pieces stained with blood or ripped to shreds.

Rosalie also introduced me to her partner, Emmett, the burly dark haired man I viewed in passing from her mind. And just like Alice and Jasper, Rose and her partner's minds worked in vastly different ways. Rosalie's thoughts were always giddy and bright around Ness and I, but around everyone else, she seemed to be cynical and blunt. Emmett's was the polar opposite, filled with energy, mischief, and humor.

There were two findings I gathered from reading Emmett's thoughts. Firstly, his mind was the most obnoxious yet somehow entertaining. Secondly, his chaotic head drove me to discover another one of my gifts perfect for minds like his: the ability to block out thoughts from others. For the first time I was able to experience absolute silence. It took concentration, but if need be, it was a convenient tool to keep in my pocket.

When I'd get hungry the pretty woman with dark waves falling over her shoulders would either cook us something fresh or pull out food she'd made in advance with the endless amount of time she had. My family didn't sleep like Ness and I did. Either Rose or Dad tended to feed us, sometimes the dark haired lady too, bowls of mush followed by a bottle of dark red elk blood for Ness and I each after every meal. Others called this kind woman Esme. I gathered from her thoughts that Carlisle, the doctor who guided and helped during our Mom's pregnancy, was her partner. Esme introduced herself as Nana and Carlisle as Pop-Pop. She was extremely sweet and motherly towards everyone. Her favorite human food to make was mashed bananas with pureed carrots before she insisted on feeding it to us herself.

Renesmee's Twin - Lili Anne CullenWhere stories live. Discover now