Gummy Smiles

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Lili's POV

As I slept, I could hear my mom awake and talking again, my twin curled up into me. Seeing as since the past few days our home was starting to get cramped, she didn't really have a choice in the matter. Our bodies and minds were developing more and more, starting to outgrow the space available to us thus far. With growth came the need for more energy, that of which our mother was struggling to provide.

We were killing her from the inside out. But with the new discovery of the magical O Negative food, we had been given the nutrients necessary for our abnormal growth rate. Sissy seemed to get a slightly bigger portion but it wasn't her fault. I had what I needed; I couldn't complain, especially since Mom needed to retain some for her own strength.

I started to stir, shaking off the grogginess brought from interruption of deep sleep. I concentrated on the outside voices and opened my eyes when I heard my sister think that she liked the name Mama came up with. I paid attention to another voice repeating the name my sister favored.


She snatched my hand, determined that the name was her's, "Can I have that name?" I knew her better than that; although she was asking, she was truly claiming it. Even if I wanted the name, which I didn't'; it didn't really suit my personality, I would've caved into her insistent pleas to have her way. We had not known each other for long, however, I had an inkling that when we were born she would be a handful for our parents. It didn't make me love her any less. Mom and Dad would feel the same.

I nodded in response, stretching from my nap. Unfortunately as I did so, there was a splintering crack. Everything tumbled to the ground, the O Negative drink splattering over the floor. As chaos ensued, our rock hard cocoon was separated from the wall of flesh. In response to the urgent situation unfolding, we were sped into another room. Renesmee and I were finally going to be introduced to the voices we'd been listening to all this time, but at what cost?

Panicked voices overlapped with one another, before -

"Get them out now!"

A bright light seeped into our mom's belly. I watched, eyes squinted, as two pale hands reached for Renesmee, and not long after for me. Cold hands gripped onto me, intensifying the cold contrast to Mom's womb. The blinding light enveloped me entirely, and as my eyes focused, the blurred shapes and colors morphed into the sight of my father lifting me up.

Renesmee's Twin - Lili Anne CullenWhere stories live. Discover now