Chapter 1 : Introduction

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A/N : Heyyyy my lovely readers! This is my third story BUT this one's based on a true story and not simply fantasized like the other two (although it still contains some fantasy becuz I love writing fantasies).

If you like reading fiction then go and read my story 'Moon'. And if you somehow are a BTS ARMY then you must read my FF named 'Unsuspected Soulmates'.

If you are a new reader, please follow me and if you've already read my previous stories, then dude we are friends! Please click that star which is at the end of every chapter to let me know you love my stories. Pleaseee naaa khaaa? ◖⁠⚆⁠ᴥ⁠⚆⁠◗

Now, without wasting another second, here's the cute little intro of this story 'Joya : The Human Robot'.


Disclaimer : All the names of people and places have been modified a bit so that this story doesn't promote defamation. And you might see some words in Korean, Thai and Chinese as I'm a drama addict, but don't worry, I'll translate them to english for you. Now you can read :)


On the cold winter night of December 17, 2008, was born, the greatest invention of mankind. A human baby, which wasn't born through the fusion of an egg and a sperm. Neither was the baby a ball of cells which had nucleus, golgi apparatus or the mitochondria, nor did she have the mixture of RBCs, WBCs and platelets dissolved in plasma running in her nerves.

Instead, the baby was made of a special kind of material that the maker of the baby called as 'Joyanium'. The maker probably called it 'Joyanium' because the discovery of this special material gave him immense 'joy'. This baby even had electric current running through the nerve-like wires inside her metal body...

A/N : I'll upload the first chapter tomorrow (it needs some editing😝). Be ready as your mind will be blown after reading this story! 🤯

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