Chapter 5

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A/N : Here are some instances of Joya's hard teenage life as a robot.

Till now, Joya has no idea that she is a robot. She thinks that all living beings are like her. Joya had a very tough childhood. She wasn't allowed to play in the sand, bright sunshine, rain, snow, dusty places etc. She wasn't even allowed to stay in places which contained small pieces of things that could easily enter her system. Being a robot, she had to face many difficulties. Because of all this and also her interest in crime related TV shows, she had a bad temper. Mr. Prick tried fixing this problem, but everytime someone or something irritated her, her system went out of control and she often became very angry. And being a robot, she was stronger than other kids of her age and even older kids. She used this opportunity to protect herself from any dangerous humans.

1. Once, she was coming back home from her elementary school in the school bus. She opened the window as it was hot in the bus and she couldn't stand high temperatures. A naughty girl sat behind her and closed Joya's window to open her own! (There was a combined window for both seats.) Joya was already starting to get the signal that her system might malfunction if she doesn't cool down the temperature around her. She tried opening the window but the little girl behind her held it tightly. Joya became firece. She stood up in anger, went towards that girl and punched her real hard! The little girl was no crybaby. She fought back. Soon started a big fight in the bus. Both Joya and the little girl fought like wild buffaloes. The other kids in the bus stood up on their seats and enjoyed the show in front of them. The conductor of the bus heard the noise and came running towards the kids. He tried to seperate them. But Joya was so mad that she pushed away athe conducter. The frail old conductor went flying away to the other corner of the bus. The fight finally ended when the little girl's stop came and she went back to her home with bruises and cuts all over her skin. Even Joya was bleeding a bit. (Wait, you are thinking that if Joya's a robot, how can she bleed? Simple. Mr. Prick designed her in a way that if the outer layer of her body gets scratched or something, a red fluid will ooze out which would make everyone think that it's blood.)

2. Once, Joya was going back home after playing in the park. Her home was on the third floor so she decided to use the elevator. As she entered the elevator, two kids came running and stood on the entrance of the elevator. Because of this, the elevator door didn't close. Joya asked them why are doing so. They sad they are stopping the lift for their mom. Joya looked out for their mom but she was nowhere to be seen. She told the kids, "See kids, let me go first, you can call the lift again when your mom comes." The kids said, "no, our mom has told us to hold the lift for her." Joya became angry but she controlled herself. After 5 minutes, she again said, "In this time you could have called the lift again and I would have gone to my home. Let the lift go!" The kids shook their head in denial. Joya became furious. Without another thought, she pushed the kids away and the lift closed. The last thing she saw before the doors closed, was the kids on the ground, crying...

3. Once when Joya was in 6th grade, her class was having a fight between the boys and the girls. And the class teacher decided to make a boy sit with a girl in the class to solve this fight. Little did she realise, this only added fuel to fire. The bench partners fought all the time, scribbling into each other's notebooks and hiding each other's stuffs. Joya was sitting with a guy, named Adinson, who had a missing toe. So he used a metal rod-like thing to balance himself when he stood up. Now, in their class, the desks and benches were seperate. So they can adjust the distance between their bench and the desk. And one desk and bench was meant for two kids to sit. Now Joya had a habit of sticking the desk to her bench because If she extended her hand for too long to write, the wirings In her hand got tangled. And Adinson had a habit of placing the desk away from the bench. Now that they were sitting together, the desk can either be away or close. So they found a mid way solution. They placed the desk diagonally. On Joya's side, it was near her and on Adinson's side, it was far away. So on that very day, the principal was on a round around the school. When she entered the classroom, she sawthe diagonal bench and punished both Joya and Adinson for this dumb act. But when she observed Adinson's metal toe, she felt pathetic for him and made him sit. So, only Joya was punished to stand outside the class with her hands up... Struggles~

A/N : The next chapter's gonna be interesting as Joya would befriend a girl who would finally figure out that Joya is a robot. Can that intelligent friend make Joya believe that she a robot?

You'll get the answer in the next chapter :))

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