Chapter 3

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The next day, was Wednesday. And in Joya's school, Wednesdays meant going to school in white uniform and coming back in brown, dusty and muddy uniform. Every Wednesday, the school conducted a two hour games period. In this, the kids were allowed to play in the playground which is always full of dirt and mud.

Joya went to school all excited to play in the playground. The teacher explained to all the kids to not push other kids or hurt others. After that, the teachers let the kids run and play in the ground. Even Joya ran and played in the ground.
After some time, every kid was covered with dirt and mud, some of them even crying for their parents (kids! you know?). But the teacher noticed that something was wrong with Joya. She was glitching! She randomly said, "0110101111010010010101!!".
"Joya, are you fine?" the teacher asked Joya. Joya didn't reply back. She just stared at the teacher with a wide weird smile like a serial killer as if she's gonna kill the teacher. The teacher got scared and took a step back.
To her luck, the parents were there to collect their kids. Joya's mom, Mrs. Prick was called into the teacher's staff room.

Joya's class teacher said, "Mrs. Prick, actually there's something I need to tell you. Today after the games period, Joya said something like 010101. And when I asked her what happened, she just stared me with a weird smile. Is there something bothering her? You can feel free to tell us so that it's easy for us to handle Joya."
Mrs. Prick answered, "Actually ma'am.... Errr... I guess she was just a bit scared... Uhh..."
The teacher said, "But yesterday she was fine... She was all happy-happy and interacted with everyone..."
Mrs. Prick was tensed. She said, "Umm... Actually... She... Might have had a heat stroke while playing in the sun! Yeah, I guess that's what must have happened! Actually she acts weird because she doesn't know how to express a heat stroke."
The teacher said, "Oh! I thought something was seriously wrong with her. Anyways, take her home and take good care of her."
Mrs. Prick was relieved as the teacher believed her. She said, "So I'll get going now ma'am :) *fiuhh!* "

Mrs. Prick took Joya home. All the way, Joya was just glitching and saying random things.

"011001 A for Ap-apple 110001 Ap-ple is r-red 0101110 t-tomato is r-red too 011100010 tome-tomato is not a veggi-veggi-vegetable 101010 vegetable-table is brin-brinjal 01101000100 brin-brinjal is pur-purple 011011010 pur-purple is a col-colour 10110010 col-colour is in ray-rainb-bow 1011010!!!", Joya said these randomly.
Mrs. Prick was worried. "Oh my god Joya, what has got into you? A virus? Mr. Prick will correct this glitch in you my baby, don't worry.", she said and drove her car as fast as she can. They soon reached home. Mrs. Prick quickly took Joya to Mr. Prick's Enigma Room. She told everything that happened in school and in the car.
Mr. Prick said with a confused look, "I made Joya in such a way that a virus can't make her glitch. There's something else that's bothering her system. Let me check.", Mr. Prick took some tools and opened Joya's system. There, he found something.
"Ha, knew it. I told you it's not a virus. It's mud and dust that had entered Joya's system. Maybe because of today's games period, the dust and mud might have entered her body. Hmm... We can clean this now as it didn't go deep in her system. But if these dust particles entered the micro areas, it would have been very difficult for me to remove them. I need to feed this information in Joya that she needs to stay away from dust, mud and small grass as these can easily enter her system and cause a big nuisance.", Mr. Prick said and cleaned Joya's system. He then fed this information in Joya that she has to stay in a clean place to keep her system working properly. He told her that if someone asks her why she does so, she can answer that she has OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder).

(A/N : You can search this disorder on Google to know more)

Joya was now working properly and was fit as always. Mrs. Prick told her to watch some news on television so that she can gain some knowledge on the current affairs, while Mrs. Prick washed her muddy uniform.

Joya turned on the television not knowing what "news" was. The first channel that appeared was broadcasting a crime-thriller-detective movie. She sat down and watched as the people searched for the criminal with the clues. She enjoyed the show and noted down in her memory card, everything she saw. She got more and more attracted to crime shows like these...

Who knew, these crime shows would become her top favourite and would also decide her future?

A/N : Joya in real life also keeps cleanliness around her. She doesn't let even a speck of dust stay near her. But guess what? Joya's childhood life was a total mess! Find out her chaotic life moments in the next chapter which would arrive in the next few days :) Till then, byee!

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