Chapter 6

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Joya is now a teen robot. Mr. Prick reshapes her body to make her look like a teenager. She's beautiful with long hair, fair skin and a super charming face. So charming, that she can kill a hundred guys with just one look. But as you see, Joya's a robot. And robots don't feel any emotions. That's why, Joya can't feel the "love" emotion. No matter how many guys propose her or try to hit on her, she always rejects them. (Maybe she'll fall in love with a equally charming male robot 😂)

Now, Joya is promoted to class 10th and she moves to a new school. There too, no one can tell whether Joya's a robot or not. Joya, as usual, doesn't make any friends cuz she doesn't know how to. BUT! One of the girls in;

♪♪ We don't gotta be in love, no. I don't gotta be the one, no. I just wanna be one of your girls Tonight~ oh~~♪♪

Ok back to the topic.
So one of the girls in the class, named Raya, who's a quiet but pretty interesting and intelligent girl, befriends Joya. Joya and Raya become really close friends. They always stay together. Always in the sense, ALWAYS! Once a teacher even said, "I've taught them for a whole year and there wasn't a day when these two weren't glued together!"
Whenever there's any shenanigans in the school, you can bet that Raya and Joya are behind it. Their houses are close so they even hang out together in the evening.
(So if you are on a hunt to find the real Joya, make sure she's with Raya. If she's not with Raya, she's not the real Joya, she's definitely a doppelganger!💀)

The place where Joya and Raya live, has a large forest nearby. And the forest is seperated from the town by a wire mesh. The mesh is so tall that even a 10 year old kid can jump over it. :)
So, it's very casual for the people there to spot random wild animals around the place.

One day, during the summer vacations, Raya called Joya.
Raya : Heyy! Are you bored?
Joya : I've been bored since the second day of summer holidays. On the first day, I was too excited for the holidays but the excitement extinguished too soon and now I'm getting bored. Why tho? You got anything interesting?
Raya : Yess! I just read an old tale about a very rich king who lived here thousands of years ago! He was so rich that he got bored of his riches and decided to make good use of it. So he called his people and told them that they would get a hundred gold coins for planting two trees and taking care of it. And the forest behind the town is the same forest that that king grew.
Joya : What rubbish? You called me to tell this nonsense story?
Raya : Its non nonsense! Didn't you see how crooked and old the trees look in the forest? I'm pretty sure that they are over a thousand years old.
Joya : Ok fine. Now if you are done with this shit, let me go and listen to some songs cuz you just ate half of my brain with this gibberish.
Raya : Heyyyyy!! Don't hang up yet! Listen to the whole story first! When that king died, his people buried him under a large Banyan tree in that same forest. While he was being buried, they equipped him with many gold chains, a gold armour, a crown studded with expensive gems and many gold coins! Don't you think we should use these summer holidays to explore that place instead of wasting time? We might even find the gold and riches! We'll then be rich and popular! Wanna join me on this adventurous trip?
Joya : Yea sure. And if not me, then who'll join you anyways?
Raya : *internal crying* Ok so tomorrow? 5 in the evening?
Joya : Sure!
Raya : Yayyyyyyyyyy!!!!!
Joya : Yuuuuuuuhuuuuu!!!!!!
Raya : Wooooohooooo~~~~~
Joya : Yaaaaawwooooooo~~~~~
Raya : Lalalalalalalallaalla!!!!
Joya : Huh!? Ok bye.
Raya : Byeeeeeeee!!!!!

Joya : The Human RobotWhere stories live. Discover now