Chapter 4

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A/N : In this chapter, I'll be telling y'all some chaotic moments in Joya's life which occured through her childhood.

1. Once, when Joya was around 4 years old, she was playing in the park. Mrs. Prick and Mr. Prick were at home having a cup of tea.
A boy, around 3 years older than Joya was riding his bicycle around the park. Joya noticed the bicycle and was amazed by its beauty! (robots love machines and bicycle is a sort of a simple machine). She went near that boy and said, "Big bro, can I ride your bicycle once?" The boy was kinda arrogant and said, "No!", and started laughing on young Joya who was staring at him like anything. Joya copied his laugh and through the knowledge that had been fed into her, she found out that this kind of laugh was used to mock someone. Joya thought of teaching this boy a lesson. She pushed the boy off the cycle and beat him up. Then she took his cycle and rode it till she enjoyed to the fullest. The boy was crying on the top of his voice. His mom came and asked Joya where her mom was. Joya told her and lead her to her home. Mrs. Prick was shocked on what Joya had done. She asked Joya why she did so. Little Joya replied, "First I asked him sweetly but he didn't give me his cycle and was even mocking and laughing at me. So I beat him up and took his cycle. Simple :)"

2. Once when Mr. Prick wasn't at home, Joya and her mom were alone at home. She saw that Mr. Prick's phone was kept on the table. She thought of playing some games in it. As she was playing, her mom called her in the kitchen to help her. She went in the kitchen with the phone in her hands. Mrs. Prick told her to peel the bananas, keep the bananas in the plate and throw away the peels. Joya wanted to play the game so much that she hurriedly peeled the bananas and when she was throwing away the peels, she accidentally threw away the phone too! When she realised, she took the phone from the bin and saw that it became dirty. She remembered she had OCD and can't tolerate dirt. So little dumb Joya put the phone in a bucket full of water and washed it till it was shining like diamond! And obviously, the phone refused to work again after that :)

3. One day, Joya was on the terrace with Mrs. Prick. They had come there for a mini sunbath. Joya was watching some videos on YouTube on Mrs. Prick's phone. They were also eating some chips. Soon, some crows came near them as they smelled food. Their caw-caw irritated Joya's systems. She was furious on the crows. She tried to shoo them but they came back again and again. There was one crow which seemed like the leader. Joya thought that if the leader is dead, the crows will get sad and they will not come here again as they would be scared of being killed. Joya thought of throwing something heavy on the leader crow. And guess what? Little dumb Joya had a phone in her hand which was pretty heavy for little dumb Joya. So what next? Of course she aimed and threw the phone at the leader crow. The crow flew away easily but the phone... Fell down from the terrace. And the next thing she saw was an angry Mrs. Prick and a phone broken into pieces :)

4. Once Joya went to the shop with Mrs. Prick to but some grocery. As she saw the beautiful and colourful stuffs kept there, her vision landed on the pink and caramel coloured chocolates. She wanted them! Her system started craving for it! She asked Mrs. Prick to buy it but Mrs. Prick was like, "No Joya, chocolates aren't good for your body." But Joya was so desperate for the chocolate that she thought of a plan. No one likes being humiliated in front of so many people. She laid down on the ground and started shouting, "This lady over here is not buying me chocolates. They aren't even expensive still she isn't buying me chocolates waaaaa...." All eyes were on Mrs. Prick. She felt humiliated and quickly brought that chocolate for Joya and told her to shut her mouth. Joya shut her mouth with an evil smile :)

5. Joya loved playing on the swings in the park. But there was a problem. Just underneath the swings, there was sand so that if the child falls, they won't hurt themselves. Now that Joya had OCD, she played carefully. But one day, when it was almost 7pm and the sky became dark, Joya was on the swings and almost everyone had went home. Then came this notorious child who just picked up some sand in his first and threw it on Joya for fun!. The kid laughed and ran away and ofcourse, the sand went into Joya's system. She malfunctioned again. But this time, she fell off the swing and landed straight into the sand with her head facing down. She was there for almost an hour when Mrs. Prick came running towards her as she was trying to find Joya for a long time. She picked up little dumb Joya in her hands and brought her back. Mr. Prick checked her and said that there was nothing wrong. Her system just shut itself off to not cause any ruckus when the dust entered her system and it malfunctioned. So we can say, that Joya faints if she senses dirt around her. And if someone asks the reason, OCD :)

A/N : Joya's system once malfunctioned when she stayed for too long in the sun. Obviously, machines work properly in cool temperatures. So Joya wasn't allowed to stay in sun for too long, and if someone asked the reason, yet again, OCD!

Next chapter would start from Joya's teenage life. Hope you're enjoying little dumb Joya's life :)

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