Chapter 2

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A long time ago, there lived Mr. Prick. He was an unethical scientist who carried out unethical science experiments. His room was always filled with unusual stuff and random elements, some of which, he himself couldn't name.

He always experimented in his room, which he called "The Enigma Room" as there were unusual and mysterious inventions being made in that room. This baby was one of those unusual, unethical, unexplainable, un-understandable and unbelievable inventions.

Mr. Prick had a wife, who was his only companion in this world. Both Mr. Prick and Mrs. Prick were coincidentally brought up in foster homes so they never knew their real parents. When these people met each other, they fell in love at the first sight and decided to spend the rest of their lives together. They got married and shifted to this unknown location where very few people lived. They first had difficulties living like this, away from the main town, but then Mr. Prick knew how to make his wife happy and at ease. Since childhood, Mr. Prick was very interested in science and he always wanted to invent something great for humankind. For now, he invented simple machines which helped Mrs. Prick with her day to day work. But his curiosity never went low. He was always experimenting in his "Enigma Room" to invent something wonderful.

Despite all of his comforts and a loving wife, he was still deprived of the happiness of becoming a father. They had been together for 5 years now and still didn't have a baby. Even Mrs. Prick was sad that she couldn't give Mr. Prick a baby girl like he always wanted.

This gave Mr. Prick a great idea for a new invention! If Mrs. Prick couldn't give him a baby, he would make one. Not in a biological way tho, but in an unethical scientific way.

He spent days, weeks and months working on this. During his experiments, he discovered a rare metal which was capable of growing over time. This excited Mr. Prick and he named the metal, 'Joyanium'. 

And finally on the cold winter night of December 17, 2008, was born, the greatest invention of mankind. A human baby, which wasn't born through the fusion of an egg and a sperm. Neither was the baby a ball of cells which had nucleus, golgi apparatus or the mitochondria (Yeah, the power house of the cell!😂) nor did she have the mixture of RBCs, WBCs and platelets dissolved in plasma running in her nerves!

She was a real looking human baby but not actually made of bones wrapped with muscles covered with skin!!

Mr. Prick was overjoyed as he called his wife to see his new invention.

Mrs. Prick after knowing what her husband had created, was overjoyed too! She took the baby in her hands and with happy tears in her eyes, said, "Oh! she is such a cute little baby. I would name her Joya, for, she gave me immense joy the first time she appeared in front of me!"

And thus was created Joya, the one and only humanoid robot who can grow over time and learn things from whatever was being taught to her. She could remember pictures, words and music. She was made in a way such that she could eat human food, mix the food with some chemicals inside her and then churn the food with a great speed to produce electricity which she stored inside her. She could talk like any normal human and even learn new languages. And of course, being a female robot, she loved dressing up and styling her hair.

Her parents, Mr. Prick and Mrs. Prick took care of her just like their own child and never considered her as a robot. Even she didn't knew that she was actually a robot. She thought that she was like any other child.

When she was three, they decided to send her to school. Not only to educate her, but also because Mr. Prick wanted to see whether someone can notice that she was a robot or not. Basically, he kinda wanted to do a Turing Test. If no one noticed, he would consider himself as a successful scientist.

They sent her to a school in a nearby town. Joya was amazed to see a new world, other kids like her, and such a huge building named "Kindergarten". She enjoyed her first day in school as she got to explore many new things. Neither the teachers nor the students ever found out that she was actually a robot. She seemed like a normal child to them.

Joya's first day at school was amazing. She thought that maybe the whole world is like this only, just cute little children like her and the caring teachers who always kept smiling. Little did young Joya know, the outer world is too cruel. The cute seeming kids also pick their noses (ewww) and the always smiling teachers also get frustrated because of the crying kids.

She hasn't yet explored the outer world. This, was just the starting of her life in this unknown world...

A/N : It's just the starting, more fun and comedy is on it way~~ Do click the star at the bottom of this chapter to let me know you liked my story, or just comment and tell me. I'll make sure to read all your comments :)

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