Chapter 8

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So now our trio, consisting of Joya, Raya and ShitShampoo, stepped into the old forest. They were clever enough to carry a pocket knife, just in case they get attacked. Plus, Raya has her phone with her for emergency purposes. And without any other equipment, this dumb trio started moving deeper into the forest to find that old Banyan tree under which the king was buried.

After walking for a while, they reached somewhere between the huge wild trees, no landmarks, just the sound of the crickets and other tiny insects. As they moved further, Joya stepped into a clayey-gooey puddle. Ewww. She looked at her shoe sole which was now covered with brown and yucky mud with an earthworm wriggling out.

“Yuckkkk!!!”, Joya shouted and shook her shoe hard. That earthworm and some mud went flying onto Raya’s hand! Raya freaked out!!! 

“Oh ewwww!!!!”, she said and tried running but ended up bumping into ShitShampoo!!! Now ShitShampoo’s clothes were covered in mud and that dirty earthworm!!! ShitShampoo shouted in a shrill voice and as she stepped forward, she stepped into another clayey-gooey puddle and went flying into the mud puddle!! Now, the dorsal part of her clothes and ShitShampoo’s pretty hands were covered in mud (and earthworms too)!!! She got angry and pushed Raya into the mud too!!! Raya, now with her pants and one hand fully dipped in the yucky mud, said it was all Joya’s fault and she and ShitShampoo ran being Joya while she ran away further to avoid getting into the mud!!! With all this chaos, and Joya not looking where she was going, slipped on wet algae and splashed directly into a clear water stream. Raya and ShitShampoo who were chasing her, slipped too and ended up in the stream!!!!

“Ok now STOP!!”, Joya shouted. All three were now heavily breathing while sitting in the cold water stream.

“Guys, see. We're covered in mud. Why not wash ourselves in this stream and then we can go back. The wind is strong enough to dry our clothes.” ShitShampoo says.

“That's a good idea.”, Raya says and the trio started cleaning up their clothes. Soon, they are fully wet, but atleast not dirty with that mud~! They looked at the sky. It’s getting dark and the wind is starting to blow strongly. The leaves of the trees sway and and sounds of crickets increase.

“I guess it's time to go back. What time is it tho, Raya?”, Joya asks.

Raya puts her hands in her pants’ pockets only to end up with a painful smile.

“Uhhh… don't tell you lost your phone Raya. YOUR MOM WILL CHEW YOU OUT IF SHE KNOWS THIS!!!”, ShitShampoo freaks out!

“No duh, I didn't lose it. It's just that, I forgot that I had a phone all this time. And now that I took a nice bath in the stream, I don't think this phone’s gonna work ever again.”, Raya says smiling through pain.

“She’ll chew you out anyways.”, ShitShampoo says.

All three sigh.

“Ok guys see, let's just hope that the phone is fine. Raya, take it out and try turning it on. If it doesn't work, we’ll try to turn it on somehow.”, Joya says trying to lift Raya’s mood.

Raya takes out her phone. Some drops of water drip down from the phone and some drops of tears drip down from Raya’s eyes.

“Oh girl don't cry. Atleast try turning it on.”, ShitShampoo says.

Raya clicks the power on button. The screen’s black. Some more tears drops drizzle down Raya's cheeks.

Joya, being done with all this emotional drama, snatches Raya’s phone. She long presses the power on button. The phone buzzes, and something comes on the screen. Joya sees it and makes a trusfrated face.

“What happened?”, ShitShampoo asks Joya while she side hugs Raya.

“Dumb girl, look at this.”, Joya says and turns the phone towards Raya and ShitShampoo. They both see and a smile creeps up Raya's face while a look of trusfration (frustration) comes on ShitShampoo's face.

“This dumb girl didn't freakin’ charge her dumb phone and now she's freakin' crying for a dumb reason! This is so freakin’ crazy!”, Joya says with utmost disbelief.

“Did you realise that you just used ‘dumb’ and ‘freakin’ alternatively for three times in a row! Hehe.”, Raya says trying to divert the topic while wiping away her without-any-reason tears.

Joya and ShitShampoo give Raya a so-done look. They all head back following their footprints on the mud.

When they finally come outside, they see that the sky’s completely dark and the place’s completely silent. No wind, no insect noises, nothing. Creepy~

They walk towards a place where there are some people. Raya asks one of them what time is it currently. The man answers, “Uh it's 8:30 right now.”

“WHAT THE FREAKING HELLLL!!!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!!”, the trio freaks out and they run towards their homes, or else they'll surely get completely chewed out for being out till so late!!

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