Pov 3: The Eyes.

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Pov: Your vision started to be unstable and you suddenly could see less. The many eyes that were once minding their own business are now noticing your eyes. Their glare is as sharp as a knife that is striking right into your heart. You could feel the sensation of a heart burn. You tried to speak but your brain completely turned off your verbal communication as if you had no vocal chords. You began to feel nauseous as they looked deep into your eyes as if murdering you with those knives. Your eyes began to water even though you weren't melancholy. You were anxious. Extremely anxious. The chattering of the eyes surrounded you but you couldn't hear them. It dissolved in the constant thoughts of your brain making hundreds of negative possibilities. Possibilities of you screwing up, of you humiliating yourself in front of these many eyes. Their pupils like deep black pools of water in which you can drown so you break eye contact to survive. You couldn't bear the continuous whispers around you. Whispers full of deceit and full of hate about you so you ran. Ran as far as you could from those judgemental eyes as water flowed from your deep pooled eyes. The vomit finally reached up to your throat as you ran to the washroom. As you disgorged the vomit onto the basin, small black pea-sized substances started to appear. These black substances began to grow until it grew to an extent that you could realise what they were. You jumped at the sudden realisation and didn't believe what was happening for a second until you looked at it twice. The horror, clear as glass, on your face as you saw that the substances were those deep black pooled eyes staring back at you.

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