Pov 4: The Halls.

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Pov: You close the door behind you as you hear the chattering of the people behind you fade away slowly. You exhaled a sigh of relief as you slid down against the door to sit on the floor. You were finally alone from the crowd but it still felt as if you were not. Your cheeks hurt from fake smiling too much but you could rest them now. You could rest yourself. You started to think if the people behind you knew what it felt like to be fake in front of people they know because people who knew you very well always noticed the little disarrangements in your face and could tell instantly something was wrong. But you didn't want them to know. You don't want them to think that you were weak cause you weren't. You got up from the floor and took 5 deep breaths as you forced your cheeks to make a fake smile even though it hurt. You put on your best acting skills to make a happy face to mislead the people behind the door. You grabbed the door handle but suddenly a tear fell down your cheek. The tear was followed by a banging on the door. "Hey Y/n, come out fast there are new people here to see you!". New people? Shit. Your hands started shaking as you replied with an "okay" which sounded a bit trembled but because of the boundary, it couldn't be heard. You took off your hands from the handle and covered up your face as tears dropped like waterfalls from your face. It was too much. Too much to hold back. A person has a limit and you hit yours. You took 10 more deep breaths to calm down the adrenaline in your veins and scurried to the washroom. You took a tissue to wipe off the spoiled make-up and quickly made your unreal happy face. You glanced at the time. You've been in the room for almost 15 minutes and if you don't leave now, the people will start to get suspicious. You threw away the tissue and made your way to the handle for the last time. You took a deep breath as you twisted the door knob to get a clear view of what was happening outside your room. The light of the hall room shone on your face as you stepped out into the long halls of your house. Wait, you don't have halls in your house.. Where are you?

Part 2 coming soon. (follow for more like this!)

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