Pov 5: Fake Friends.

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Pov: I thought it was going to get better. It was going to improve. But that was just a mere thought. A thought that could never be compared to reality. An expectation that was out of reach of the hands of what was possible and what was possible was the situation worsening. I lingered with the idea of my friends being the best companions in the last few months. But after the incident, their faces turned out to be quite full of remorse. Remorse of being friends with me which then gave consequences of others being harsh to them. I thought they would support me, comfort me, take my side and say that it'll be okay. But no. It was just all in my head. I made up this whole imaginary world where everyone is friendly when it turns out to be grotesque. Grotesque as in the harsh faces of the people were visible and their rude words were no longer in hiding behind their fake little smiles. I have never heard someone assure me that it'll be okay. It was probably never okay and I was just starting to realise it. My friends started to ignore me and always gave me the silent treatment although it was never my fault. They could've been there for me, helped me but no. They were gonna feel ashamed of ever being my friend and even feel gross at times at the thought that they actually talked to me. I tried talking to them today though. I thought maybe I'll try one last time and that would be it. I approached them quietly and put my sincere, soft hand on their shoulder. "F/N, can I talk to you?". That's what I said and that's what made them pretend I didn't even exist. They moved their shoulder shoving my hand of their shoulder as they walked away laughing. They were in their own imaginary world now. A world without me. My eyes started to burn and my vision got blurred by the unexpected water coming from my eyes. The tears started to roll down my cheek making me feel a little tickling sensation. That's when I heard it. A cry. A baby's cry. It was getting louder and louder as the tears from my eyes started to fall more frequently. The sound seemed to be heard from somewhere near that I could not find but suddenly the environment changed to a rather familiar one. It was my old house. I was sitting in the middle of my room which seemed to be full of baby toys. I had a toy maracca in my hand and surprisingly, my hands were the hands of a baby. That's when it hit me. I returned back to the time when I was still a baby and was crying. I was crying because I wanted my mom. Her hugs and her warmth felt like something beyond comfort. Whenever I was in her arms, it felt as if the world didn't matter and that's what I wanted right now. I could see her in the kitchen, stirring something in a big pot as I cried myself to death. I wanted her just like how I wanted the situation ,that my friends created, to end. I realized then and there that my problem with my friends was just like the situation I am in right now. I wanted my mom but she was right there and I could just go upto her to solve the issue. My vision started to blur again and I was back in my school. I wiped away my tears in my now drenched shirt as I turned around and walked away, knowing what had to be done

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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