Pov 4: The Halls. (Final Part)

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Pov: You struggle to move your now heavy body from across the hall. The walls were peeling off and that meant along with the little sentences from your life. For some reason, you didn't want them to peel off. They were a part of your heart but then again it was kind of weird for some sentences to appear on the walls of some hallway. You tried to hold onto the wallpapers from peeling off but it was of no use. The wallpapers started coming off the wall and flying everywhere in the suffocating air. "There's no wind..", you said to yourself. "How are these papers flying in circl-". You paused for a minute and held your breath. You stepped back from the walls in the dark hallway and looked at the now peeled wall. You covered your mouth in horror and your knees couldn't take the weight of your heavy body. You dropped on the soft carpet on your knees as tears fled from your eye sockets and poured onto the red carpet. Staining it like blood. Your eyes couldn't believe what they were seeing. Your legs moved on their own making you jump up from the floor and make its way back to your room door. You turned your head back while running and all you saw was that the walls started to peel faster and were catching up to you. You gave all your strength into running and finally reached the room door, grabbing the handle. You flung your door open and closed it shut. You leaned on your door, breathing hard from all the energy loss. The sound of peeling came to a stop as you heard it reach your room. You thought maybe it ended. All the heart shaped wallpapers were gone and the only thing left was- "Y/N! Where'd you go? Can you come out for a second?" Your eyes grew wide as you realized that was your mom calling you. You flung open the door again and all the people standing in the dining room turned their heads towards you. "you okay, Y/N? You're breathing heavily". "Yeah, I-I'm fine", You said as you gained back your posture, standing up straight on the doorway. "I'll be there in a sec", You said to them making my way to my bathroom. You turned on the tap and splashed water on your face hoping it would wash off the things you just saw. You're glad you're back but you still don't know what just happened. You kept your room door open just to keep hearing the people's voices because you fear if you close it again, you might go back. Did you really experience all those things? The heart shaped wallpaper, the little familiar sentences written all over the wall and that image.. Did you really see yourself dead on the other side of the wall?

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