Pov 4: The Halls. (Pt.2)

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Pov: You stare into the endless path of halls as your eyes adjust to the slight darkness, also hesitating whether you should take a step or not. You're not used to being in long eerie hallways, no one is. In confusion, you keep staring at the walls on each side until you notice a detail. The walls were plastered with pink heart shaped wallpapers and they were peeling off bit by bit. The hearts contained small written sentences in them and you walk closer to it, examining the tiny details. In the middle of every pink heart in the wall was a quoted sentence. You squint your eyes to see what was written and then gasp quietly as the words read, "You did a very good job, Y/N". Your name. The heart has your name on it. You shove yourself out of your position to move onto the next heart and examine that one. "I never had a friend like you, Y/N", read the other heart. You move from side to side, squinting your eyes to see the small quotes on every little heart. All of it. Each and every one had your name on it and suddenly you realise something else. Your name isn't the only thing shocking here. The sentences. They seem familiar. You close your eyes trying to recall where you heard those words until something clicks. You try to remember a distinct memory when you were in 5th Grade. You had just finished a drama on stage and was walking out of it when your teacher said those same words. "You did a very good job, Y/N" your teacher said in your head and your body jerked you back in fear. This wall. It's a wall full of memories.. Or rather a wall full of heart-touching sentences that was said to you in your whole life. You pushed your feet forwards, trying to walk into the dark halls although you were afraid of what might be down there. Your eyes scanned each and every heart note as you walked by them and kept your gaze straight as to not miss one note. You then stumbled upon one note that you found very familiar. Too familiar. It read, "Happy birthday, Y/N. I hope you have bright futures ahead." Your uncle's heads floats beside the note, mouthing the words as you read them. It seems like he's saying it but he's not really here. This sentence was said from today, you realise. The party, from which you escaped, was your birthday party and these notes were recently added. You stop your feet from dragging across the cold wooden floor so that you can think for a moment. If these were my heart-touching memories, why are they in the dark and why are they.. You widen your eyes and rush back to your door. You remember again something. The wallpaper. They were peeling off.

(To be continued in Part 3!)

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