Chapter 2

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Walking out of the bathroom, I spotted my husband’s blonde head bobbing up and down as he was hunched over writing. Upon walking closer i realised he had headphones in his ears which explained the head bobbing and his obliviousness to my presence.

Cautiously, I started picking up the broken glass and wood from when he'd pushed me into the coffee table. Im surprised Nathan is still alive after all this. He’s been through so much in the past 8 months he's been inside me. My little fighter.  My reason for living.  My reason for staying in this hell hole of a marriage.

I was forced out of my thoughts as a cold hard hand was placed on my shoulder.

"Come on'  it's time to fulfil your purpose as my wife" Adam sneered walking away from me.

Reluctantly, I folowed him to the bedroom.


Like I said, it starts slow so bear (or is it bare) with me.

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