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I took my time getting ready, not because I wasnt excited about meeting my baby but because i know how Adam gets when I don't look presentable for him.

I walked out of the hospital bathroom without a hair out of place and headed to the nursery in the maternaty ward. While walking down the corridor for the premature babies a thought went through my head sending me into a blind panic. What does he even look like? How will I recognise him? Then I realised that adam would be there. That relisation sent a a cold chill down my spine. Was he going to hurt me? Surely he wouldn't with all these people here but the more I thought about it, the more I became unsure of my answer.

Trembling with fear, I opened the door and was relieved that Adam was nowhere to be seen. But how am I supposed to recognise my baby now.?

"Excuse me Miss, can I help you?" a short plump nuse asked me.

"Erm, yes....Im looking for my baby, Nathan....Nathan Williams." a confused look etched it'self onto her face as I said that. " I havent seen him yet" I finished meekly.

I  felt stupid right then. She probably thinks i'm some kind of crazy woman.

"Name? " she asked rudely with a look of disgust on her face confirming my fears.

Well two can play it like that, "Katherine Taylor- Williams," I replied just rudely. How dare she make assumptions about me!

As soon as I'd told her my name a look of recognition and guilt was etched on her face.

"Oh Katherine, yes, yes" she said smiling (a fake smile might i add!).

"My baby please" I pressed clearly growing impatiant by the second.

Seeing I wasn't playing ball she did the toungue in mouth action people do when they've been embarassed (NA:I don't know what it's called so i thought it'd be better to describe it). Serves her right.

" Right this way" she muttered and I swear I heard her say something along the lines of "bi*ch" as she walked off without a glance behind to see if I was following her.

Suite yourself, I thought to myself as I followed closely behind her but before she'd even reached Nathan, I'd already seen him.

Everything at that very moment seemed to freeze and it felt as if there was just me and Nathan left on the planet. With no screaming babies , no fat pasty faced rude nurses; just me and my baby.


My baby boy was beautiful even with the cresent moon shaped birthmark on his cheek, that some would say were unsightly, scarring his otherwise flawless skin. His baby brown hair lay in tuffs on his beautiful little head. Occasionally his little pink mouth would move in time with his chest as it rose and fell.

Cautiously i moved closer to his glass incubator. Carefull not to disturb him, I put my hand through one of the oval shaped holes on the front of his incubator and stroked his baby soft skin, gentle enough to not wake him from his peacefull slumber.

"You can hold him if you like" a soft voice said making me jump back to the real world.

I turned around to see Dr johnson and my anger towards his intruding vanished instantly.

" Are you sure?" I asked.

"Hmmhhm," he said nodding his head, "Just be careful though."

Again with the babying.

Oblivious to my anger, Dr Johnson lifted the lid off Nathan's incubator. As he did that I couldn't help but notice how handsome he was. With his golden brown skin and muscley arms that flexed as he lifted the lid off, he was quite the hunk. He didn't look that much older than me, I'd say he was probaly in his late 20's early 30s.

A cough brought me back from my staring and I mentally slapped myself. I was a married woman, how could i think of another man in that way?

" Are you ready Katy?" 

I didnt trust myself to speak so i just nodded and slowly reached into the incubator and carried Nathan to the bed next to his incubator.

"I'll leave you two to it" Dr Johnson said sensing that he was no longer wanted int he room but I could barely hear him.

I was back in the Katy and Nathan world. I just sat there looking at the beauty in my arms. How could something so beautiful come from something so ugly?

Suddenly, Nathan started moving in my arms and I looked down and was captured immediatly by his piercing green eyes. His eyes stared at me as if they' were staring deep inside me. That's when i felt it. The parental bond.

A look of confusion was drawn on Nathan's face as he stared at me then without warning he started crying. I didn't have time to panic as my motherly insticts kicked in telling me to breast feed him. Within minutes he was quiet again but his piercing eyes stayed locked with mine keeping us in our fantasy world.

"Cover yourself up! You're in a public place" a rude voice sneered bringing us back to the real world.

I reluctantly looked up from Nathan with an angry look ready to give the intruder hell but my words never had the courage to leave my mouth as I got an eyefull of the intruder.

NA:///Hehe whodo you think it is? ;)

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