chapter 9

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Kalin’s POV

I swerved through traffic like a mad man ignoring the blares of horns from my fellow drivers. Taking a sharp turn I stopped my car outside the hospital entrance and jumped out of my car forgetting about shutting off the engine or my door. I was in a rush and this wasn’t the time to worry about. There were more important things to worry about than whether my car was stolen or whether I was parked legally or not.

“Katherine Taylor- Williams please” I panted to the receptionist who judging from her name tag was called Margret.

“She signed out a few hours ago” she replied not even looking up from her knitting magazine.

Grunting in frustration I ran out of the hospital towards my car which had luckily not been towed.

After a minute of fiddling with my 30 year old car it finally came to life. If I don’t to Katy on time, I thought, I’m going to murder this car!


“That’ll be £1.15” the lady said as she finished scanning my chilli heat wave Doritos and a can of vimto.

“Thank you!” I said grabbing the snacks

I was thinking about how good it’s going to be when I take that much needed swig of vimto after my long morning shopping trip when I saw it.

“BAD BOY RAPPER MURDERS WIFE” the heading screamed from the popular gossip magazine. As I read that title my blood ran cold.

As if in a trance I dropped my snacks and ran to the car praying to God that Katy was still in that hospital away from Adam.


“KATY!!” I kept screaming punching my fist angrily at her apartment door.

In defeat I sat down leaning my back against the door and started crying with my knees drawn close to me.

“Maybe they’re not even home” a tiny voice in my head whispered to me.

Thinking that my conscience must be right I decided to call the police because we’ll be able to find her better if there were more people on the case.

Sighing I stood up and took out my mobile phone and screamed in defence as it refused to turn on. No battery.

“Ahhh!”  I screamed again before throwing the stupid thing against a far wall with so much force that it shattered into small tiny pieces.

Muttering profanities to myself I unlocked my home door and walked into the living room where I kept the landline. Entering the room my heart stopped as my eyes fell on him.

Adam was sat on my favourite black leather chair staring at me with a psychotic grin plastered on his face as he stroked a severed head which I recognised as the doctor from the hospital. I stared frozen at the spot as Adam’s psychotic grin continued to get wider and wider...

I came back to my senses and started stepping backwards trying to escape the lunatic while keeping him in my eye line.

“Where are you going Kalin? Adam catechized as her stroked the doctor’s head in a creepy Godfather re-enactment except in The Godfather the man was stroking a cat not a freaking head!

“How did you get in here” I said confidently not letting slip that under my tough exterior I was actually screaming in terror.

“All the apartment locks are the same” he said nonchalantly.

How does he know that?

“I’ve checked” he said answering my silent question.


I looked around my room to see if there was anything I could use to defend myself against those crazed killer but found nothing. Except…. No I couldn’t… but I have to.

Snapping out of my conversation with myself I quickly grabbed the standing lamp that my mother had given to me a few years ago before she’d tragically died of cancer. I held the 6ft tall lamp in front of me in my pathetic attempt at self-defence.

“Finally” he started “I thought this was going to be no fun” he laughed picking up a metal looking bat from behind him.

Omg, I thought to myself, this is all a game to him.

He stood up slowly tossing the doctors head carelessly aside sending it rolling towards me. I yelped in surprise jumping a little as it touched my foot.

A dark chuckle followed by a loud war cry erupted from Adam as he charged at me, bat high in the air. Fortunately for me, I raised my mum’s lamp in time to block the otherwise fatal blow to the head.

Quickly without thinking I kicked Adam in the stomach and then the arm making him loose grip of the bat. Thank God for my self-defence club.

I aimed my foot again at Adam, this time aiming for his nether regions but he caught my leg and twisted it sending me down painfully to the hard tiled floor.

“Oh Kalin I though you would at least put up a bit of a fight. Unlike the other two” he laughed digging his knee into my spine.

I struggled to escape as the more I moved the worse the pain was so in the end I opted to stay still.

“Why did you kill Katy?” I hissed groaning in pain

“Because sketch did”

And that makes it okay does it?

“Aaaaaaand because she was cheating on me with him” he sneered pointing at the decapitated head.

“You’re a psycho!” I spat, wincing as he pushed his knee in deeper.

“No I’m not!” he screamed in my ear before punching me in the back of my head.

Stars danced before me luring me into s peaceful sleep but o was brought out of it when I felt a sharp pain in my right arm.

With unknown strength, I pushed Adam off me and inspected my arm. When I looked closely at it I saw that a small “A” had been carved into my arm with blood seeping through the lines.

I stared angrily at Adam who was now holding a sharp knife stained with blood.

“You bastard!” I screamed running blindly towards him.

I creamed in pain as Adam coolly sliced the skin on my upper arm. He stood there chuckling at the sight of my blood seeping out of the wound.

“You’re gonna die” he sang cheerfully as if it was the most normal thing to say.

 I hated the way he talked to me. The sound of his voice made bile rise up my throat.

Blind with anger, I picked up the closest thing to me and threw it at Adam. Luckily it had been his stupid metal bat which of course had done a lot of damage because Adam was now writhing in pain clutching his balls.

Slowly I walked to him, staring him down with pure disgust.

“This is for slicing my arm” I said kicking him in the abdomen.

He groaned in pain, settling in a foetal position. He lifted his hands from his balls to tend to his stomach giving me the perfect opportunity to strike him in the balls again

“That’s for being an arsehole”

He begged for me to stop but I wasn’t anywhere near done yet.

“This is for the doctor” I hissed kicking him in the nose breaking it upon impact.

Slowly I came down to him level picking up the bloodied knife from besides him. His eyes were wet with tears pleading to me for forgiveness but I wasn’t having it. He doesn’t deserve anyone’s forgiveness.

I levelled the knife above his heart and plunged it into his chest penetrating his ribs effortlessly and meeting the prime target. His heart.

“This is for Katy” I whispered twisting the knife.

I watched emotionlessly as he writhed and groaned in pain. I stayed still watching him gargle, blood pouring out of his mouth until he took his last and final breath.

Slowly I turned around and walked out of the apartment grabbing my keys.

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