Chapter 3

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I woke up with the usual burning pain in my mid region from when Adam had  violated me last night.

Why is he like this? What did I ever do to him to deserve this cruelty?


I closed my eyes as my blonde haired prince carried me bridal style to our hotel room. It was going to be our first night together as a married couple.

I’d met my Adam 10 months ago and I’d immediately fell for him. He was the man of my dreams and everything I’d ever wanted in a man. Which is why I hadn’t thought twice to saying yes to him when he had proposed to me two months ago.

As soon as we’d got into our hotel room the man I’d thought I knew was soon replaced by a monster. I didn’t understand how the man I’d been holding onto lovingly just a mere minute ago was now punching me to the edge of conciousness while he gagged me in a bid to prevent me from yelling out for help. Soon the pain was too much to handle and I lost consciousness.

When I regained conciousness, I felt something brushing my cheek.  I slowly opened my eyes and froze as I saw it was Adam.

“I think I should explain myself” Adam whispered, still stroking my bruised cheek.

What does he mean by "I think". Of cause he should! And wait… how the hell did I get into bed?

“Yes I think you should” I muttered angrily

“My idol is Sketch” he said calmly, “I do everything as he does and live my life the way he lives his. That’s why I dyed my hair the same as his and married you”

What!? What does him marrying me have anything to do with it?

“You look just like his wife Charlene,” Adam said answering my silent questions.

This guy was a psycho. Who is this this Sketch person. 

“And you, just like Charlene, will take the pain and say nothing or there will be consequenses!” 

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