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They must be right about babies being good judges of character because Nathan started crying.

"What did you do to Ryan?"

Who's Ryan?

"Who's Ryan?" I voiced

I regretted saying anything as anger was depicted on Adam's face as he lifted his hand at me like had done countless times. Out of habit, I closed my eyes and holding onto a screaming Nathan awaiting the blow. When nothing came I hesitantly opened my eyes.

Adam was standing still in front of me his reddened face twisted as he tried to control his anger. His previously raised hand was now a balled fist hanging at his side.

"Ryan is your son, " he said through clenched teeth"

"His name is Nathan," I muttered.

Oh god what have I done. Please tell me he didn't hear that.

"What did you say?"

Too late. Oh why didn't I just keep my mouth shut?

When I didn't answer him he started to get mad.

"I asked you a question."


"Dammit woman, answer me when I ask you a question!" he shouted as he slapped me in the face.

This fast movement made Nathan's cried even louder.

"Nathan baby, shhh," I cooed quietly trying to soothe him back to sleep but he just wasn't having it.

"Look what you've done now!" Adam barked at me.

How dare he.

"Is everything alright?"

I looked up to see who the new voice belonged to. Dr Johnson. When he saw my red tear stained face and Adam's angry demeanour a look I couldn't understand etched itself onto his face.

"Sir I'm going to have to ask you to leave please," Dr Johnson said to Adam, his voice thick with forced politeness.

"This is my son so I'm not going anywhere, right Katy?"

No please don't involve me in this. Maybe if I stayed quiet and pretended I didn't hear him maybe he'll stop involving me.

"Right Katy?" he repeated, this time more threateningly.

Subconsciously, I sank deeper into the bed cupping my hands around Nathan. Adam's stare intensified the longer I stayed quiet so out of fear I reluctantly nodded too scared to speak out loud.

Adam shot Dr Johnson a childish smug look as he left the room but not before sending me a sympathetic look.

As soon as he'd gone, Adam turned back to me.

"Why didn't you stick up for me Katy?" He asked in a calm yet unnerving voice sending a cold chill down my spine.

I tried to answer him but no sounds came out.

"Did you want me to go away Katy, so you could go off with the Doctor?"

I shook my head violently while still trying to calm down a shrieking Nathan.

"Have you been sleeping around Katy?" he hissed.

With each word he stepped closer to me until you couldn't tell whose breath belonged to whom.

"Have you missed me Katy?" he whispered in my ear while his hand stroked my thigh. His touch made my skin craw with disgust that it took all I had to stop myself throwing up.

"P-p- please Adam. Not in front of Nathan."


"His name is Ryan!" he screamed in my face, his spit giving me an unwanted shower.

"I-I-I," I stammered.

"Dammit woman, don't talk back to me!"

He lifted his hand to hit me again but two security men came and grabbed his arms.

"Sir we've had complaints about your behaviour and I'm afraid you'll have to leave," one of the security guards said not sounding the least bit sorry.

Without waiting for a response from Adam, the two security guards left dragging a struggling Adam with them.

"It's okay Nathan, the big bad man is gone," I whispered to my baby stroking his cheek.

As if he understood me he stopped crying and snuggled up closer in my arms and within minutes he was asleep again and I was forced to put him back into his incubator for the rest of the night.

"Goodnight baby," I breathed leaning into his incubator to kiss him slowly before putting the lid back down.

As I walked back towards my hospital "bedroom" I was stopped by the ward's night receptionist.

"Oh Miss Katherin!" she shouted smiling at me.

Reluctantly I turned and walked towards the pretty brunette with a forced smile planted on my exhausted face. I really wasn't in the mood to make polite conversation or "friendly" chatter. It was almost 10 o'clock and I needed my rest after today.

"I just wanted to tell you that after we get you and Nathan checked to see if you're okay, you're free to go home tomorrow" she smiled.

Oh why me. I'm not ready to see Adam again after all that drama earlier on.

"That's great," I forced myself to say but it wasn't as enthusiastic as I thought it would sound.

Fortunately she didn't seem to notice.

"Isn't just! Now you can put your feet up while your husband does everything for you!" she giggled like a little teenager over juicy gossip.

"Erm yeah," I muttered walking away from her not caring the least how impolite that was.


The next day after our medical check-up we were fine to go. I went to the reception to sign out of the hospital. Kim, the night receptionist was now replaced by her polar opposite Margret.

I smiled at Margret as she signed me out but she made no attempt to respond in anyway other than handing me back sheets of paper. Ignoring her rudeness I made my way to Nathan. When I got there I was shocked to see Adam sitting on the bed holding a blue and black baby car seat. When he noticed me he smiled but there was something off about his smile that unnerved me.

Slowly he walked up to me and kissed me roughly. The feel of his skin on mine made me recoil but he didn't seem to have noticed.

"Right I've got the car seat, let's strap him in," Adam said sweetly.

What was going on?

Not wanting to anger him I did as he told me while keeping him in my eye line. Something just didn't seem right about him. Slowly I kneeled down to strap Nathan into the car seat careful not to wake him.

"Okay let's get to the car. I've got a surprise for you when we get home," he said smiling yet there was something dark and sinister about it.

What is he up to?

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N/A: What do you think he's up to?

I'm sad the story is almost at the end but it is a short story after all

this to be honest is my favourite chapter... what do you think?

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