amusement park

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Robin and I meet at the entrance of the amusement park on Tuesday at 10 am. Right on schedule.

After our heart-to-heart conversation on Friday night, Robin and I ended up falling asleep on the couch talking. We woke up a few hours later, on Saturday morning, with sore backs and dark circles under our eyes from staying up. Still, despite his usual grumpiness in the morning, the first thing we did was smile at one another from opposite ends of the couch. 

I snuck him out the best I could without being seen, and the rest of the weekend was spent trying to get myself back on track for the week. Hence, standing in front of two massive green gates leading into the park.  Our next trope: Amusement Park. 

Screams of joy and fear mixed in the air as roller coasters whooshed and turned deep in the park. There were sounds of kids and adults talking alike, with delicious food smells floating across the air. It was getting too cold to stay open now, so this was the last week the amusement park would be open for the season. Which was a lucky break, because I didn't even think about how the weather would affect that trope when I thought of it.  

"Hello, Leah." Robin grins at me, as he steps up to the gate. I hand him his ticket before he can move to the ticket line and he frowns at me, "You know, you don't have to pay for everything." 

"I don't mind," I shrug, with a smile, "Besides, it's a company card. Desi lets me use it for book expenses for tax reasons or something like that." 

He shakes his head, looking at the ticket in his hand like it's some kind of rare and delicate flower. He's wearing another hoodie, but this time, he's also got a blue beanie tugged over his head and ears. I've never seen Robin in a beanie, and the effect it produces on me could only be described as "unbelievably adorable."

He looked so cute. I almost wanted to reach over and tug it over his eyes before running away, like a little kid trying to flirt. Then again... When wasn't I the embodiment of a little kid trying to flirt with Robin? At least now I could mentally admit it. 

"Ah, so Desi's buying? Remind me to thank her." He retorts, tucking the ticket between his teeth, and then reaching into his hoodie pocket. When he pulls his hand out there's another beanie in his hand. 

Before I can ask why he's brought two, he stretches the white fabric between his fingers and pulls it over my head. When it's secure over my ears, he tucks a few strands of hair back under the fabric and smooths it out. 

Robin removes the ticket from between his teeth, "Just in case. For the wind." 

Then he smiles at me upside down, "Shall we?" 

It is hard to pretend... It's hard not to like him sometimes. 

I nod, and once our tickets are punched, we walk through the gates and into the amusement park. 

We start off small doing our favorite rides first, and enjoying the snack foods as we walk around. It's a lovely day, with bright blue sky and only a little chill in the air when the breeze crosses the air. Our cheeks and the tips of our noses get pink, but it only adds to the thrill of the activity. Sunshine dapples in the trees and pools in the main walk, warming us as we go. 

Although I knew that we were technically researching a trope, there was a stronger sense of enjoyment between the two of us that told me today wasn't about the book. He was different from before. His gaze was more open, more... attentive in the way he would try and catch my eye. Each time it made my heart skip a beat, but I did my best not to respond to it. 

After walking around for a few hours, I had to get us back on track.  Pointing up to the roller coaster, I grin, "Alright, let's get down to business. Time for research." 

Research: RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now