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The bed stared back at us in all its tiny glory.

"Don't tell me... You purposely chose a room with one bed?" Robin turned his head toward me, the look on his face incredulous. We were crammed shoulder to shoulder in the doorway.

A victorious smile pulled the corners of my mouth. I nodded proudly, "What's more impressive is the amount of research I put into choosing this exact motel. Welcome to our next test subject: the one-bed trope."

Robin folded his lips into his mouth, really taking his time to scan over the room before stepping further in. It would take us walking sideways to get on either side of the bed, but that wasn't what caught his attention. His eyes hesitated on a curious brown stain on the carpet beneath the dresser. A small television (which looked like it had exactly three channels all in black and white) faced the bed. He then landed on the flickering, naked lightbulb in the hall before the bathroom. I don't think either of us questioned that it looked like the set from Psycho in there.

"Were you going for serial killer, or low-budget adult film?" His gaze finally fell back to mine, "I am genuinely curious."

"I was going for sexual tension and forced proximity."  Was my response. I held back from laughing, meeting his eyes in full seriousness before shrugging. "Though, when I saw the taxidermy weasel on the front desk, I figured if writing romance novels don't work out this could be a great introduction to horror."

Robin snorted, that half-upside-down grin growing on the right side of his mouth. Throwing his bag into the chair on the side of the room, a plume of dust floated into the air, shimmering in the light coming from the window. It wouldn't have been that bad if it weren't for the fact that it coated the heavy curtains, which can only be described as puke-green, in a matter of seconds.

He looked at the dust cloud pointedly then at me with the same expression, his hazel eyes narrowing. "If I get a disease from that bed, I will make you pay extra."

Clapping my hands together, I wiggled my eyebrows. "The more important question is... who is going to be the big spoon?"


Hi lovelies!! Thanks for stopping in to check out my new and upcoming book!

As a get to know you, here's an essential question to our friendship.....Coffee or Tea?

Let me know in the comments below💗 I don't have a schedule yet but I'll let y'all know. See you soon for updates!

With love,


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