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No. No no. Noo no no.

That was all I could think while the instructor approached me and Robin. He was a short man with thick graying hair but a clean-shaven face and loveable smile. The white linen outfit he was wearing was composed of shorts and a tee-shirt which wrinkled as he strode toward our way. With arms open wide, the instructor greeted us, friendly light-brown eyes shining in delight at the prospect of having two new students. The closer he got, the older he turned out to be, and I wanted to laugh the moment I realized... He looked just like my grandfather.

"New faces!" He exclaims giddily, and unexpectedly tugs Robin down for a hug.

Robin pats his back awkwardly, still gaping at the banner like it's a spaceship about to abduct him. The instructor gives him a quick kiss on the cheek, which also goes unnoticed, then turns to hug me. He presses the side of his face against mine before pulling back to drop a friendly peck to my cheek as well.

The instructor releases me, taking one of my hands in his and Robin's in the other saying, "My name is John Pineda, but I like to go by Jack. I'm your intimacy instructor today." He squeezes our hands affectionately, looking between us. "What are your names?"

I turn to Robin, who is staring at me with raised eyebrows, and I remember I was the one who changed our names. My eyes meet Jack's and I laugh loudly to cover my uneasiness. It doesn't work. Then I gesture to each of us respectively as I say, too nonchalantly, "I'm Liza and this is Robert. Johnson. Liza and Robert Johnson. He's Robert. I'm Liza... Obviously."

Robin nudges me with his elbow, making a face that screams: Leah. Stop. Talking.

I button my lips together.

Jack, however, doesn't seem to mind my sprawling tongue. In fact, he just nods at a consistent pace while I talk, like a bobble-head. When I'm finished, he shakes our hands, "Wonderful. Just wonderful. Nice to meet you!"

Letting go of our hands, he turns and gestures toward the room, "Please find a mat together and we'll begin shortly. I have a few more faces to greet. Though..."

He leans in looking between us as if we're all in cahoots and grins mischievously, "None so nice as the pair of you. What a beautiful couple, I must say! You two have just such wonderful energy-- But oh, don't tell anyone I said that. Would you listen to me rambling on! Please, sit. Sit!"

As he's saying all of this, Jack has somehow ended up behind us and is pushing Robin and I to the mats. He stops us at a mat off to the side of the room.

Before Jack flies off again, I grab his arm and say quietly, "I am so sorry, but there has been a mistake. This isn't what we thought it was, so I don't think we should stay. Is it alright if we leave since the class hasn't started yet?"

"Oh, Liza," He smiles at me in that same conspiratorial way and pats the hand resting on his arm. "Don't worry about a thing, dear, there are no mistakes."

"Yes," My voice strains and I widen my eyes, "But you see we aren't actually a couple--"

Jack lifts his hand and interrupts by saying, "The universe conspired to bring you two here. Wherever you are is where you are meant to be. Trust the process."

With that he pops my hand off his arm and greets the next couple with the same warmth and vivacity.

I turn to Robin, who is still looking around. Everyone was in coordinated exercise gear and appeared more than ready to begin the class, talking excitedly among one another; Compared to the two of us, who were clad in jeans and tee shirts and examining the room like it was our first time in a building. It made me worry that we might stand out, drawing unneeded attention to Robin who could be recognized at any moment. No doubt he had thought the same thing, taking care to tuck his chin down slightly and not stare too long in one direction. However, upon a calmer second glance, I realized no one seemed to care that the two of us were there, let alone standing like two lost toddlers in Walmart. They were more invested in one another to pass more than a curious glance in our direction.

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