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When my phone rings I am in the middle of a starring contest with Desi. Both of us narrow our stinging eyes at the sound, but don't flinch. I say cockily, "You know you're going to lose." 

She narrows her eyes further, but I can see the tears starting to form along her waterline. Her dark hair is in its trademark braid, except for a few strands falling against the sides of her face.

Desi was the first to notice a change in my attitude when I showed up to work grinning yesterday. After facing my fears at the amusement park and over the weekend, the pep in my step had returned. This of course came in stark contrast with the grey cloud permanently parked over her forehead. Her eyes were narrowed on me all day, scanning me up and down like a security guard for TSA. We danced around it that afternoon and evening talking about Maizy, the book, and other things. But I knew she knew something was up. 

Today was the day she decided to confront me. However, when I refused to disclose any information until she admitted that she missed Henry, Desi was quick to throw her guard up. Regardless, she refused to let me leave her office without knowing what's been going on. Of course, the adult solution was to have a starring contest and grill the loser for every detail of information there was. 

Tears leaked from her eyes and the mascara and eyeliner she applied this morning was in danger of being smudged. A detail that I was counting on to make her lose. It must be waterproof because Desi doesn't baulk, "I'm not the one with dry eyes. It's only a matter of time before you break." 

I clench my jaw to combat the instinct to blink at her pointing it out. With the renewed awareness of it, my eyes feel like their burning out of my head. "If I win you confess you miss Henry and apologize to him for being a chicken. No exceptions." 

"Hah!" She sniffs, the tears now blurring the bottom half of her eyes. Desi grins with a feline expression, her eyes cut straight through me to my weak spot, "If I win, you confess to me that you have a crush on Robin and tell him during your road trip trope this weekend. No exceptions."  

My resolve hardens despite the water now leaking down my face. My eyelids twitch, "I don't know what you're talking about." 

"So, you don't care that he's the one calling you right now?" She smirks. 

My eyes break from the stare and find my phone in anticipation. Instantly losing the battle, and seeing that it's my mom calling me, makes me groan in disappointment. Then I glare at Desi, who is still smirking victoriously. "I knew it. You like him! Something happened, didn't it?"  

I blink my eyes frantically trying to work some moisture back into them. Desi continues her crowing for a moment, and I grumble bitterly, "You're a cheater and not everything is about Robin, okay? My mind does revolve around other people. Other things!" 

"I'm sure you think about many other things when it comes to Mr. Moon-Eyes Moore." She grins suggestively. 

My cheeks flare, and I gape at her, "That is not what I meant!"  

"Leah, you have two friends, both of which you work with. That means there are only two other people on your mind other than your family at all times." She laughs, not bothering to deny her cheating while dabbing her eyes, "Besides, I know you. I know when you like something because you fixate on it, and since meeting Robin you've spoken about little else. Your brain couldn't pass the Bechdel test if it tried!" 

"Does contemplating your murder pass the Bechdel test? Because that's what's on my mind right now." I retort, but it only makes Desi laugh harder. Then I bite back, "And anyway, I know you fantasize about Henry too. He's your PowerPoint Prince, coming to rescue you from your witchy publication tower. So there. We both failed!"  

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