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I took most of the weekend to compile notes about the horror house. Which wasn't without difficulty considering my right hand was black and blue. However, it did force me to slow down and consider the details of what happened. Upon reflection, it dawned on me that I haven't had a panic attack in months. Normally a situation like that would have doubled me over, and yet, I confronted every fear without incident. Turns out giving in to the chaos was the solution all along. Punching a ghost in the face was the best thing I ever did, and for the first time in a while... I really felt like myself. 

It also got Isabella, the main character of my romance novel, to talk to me. She had the common decency to wake me up at 3 AM Monday morning following a very vivid dream where she introduced herself. 

Truth be told, Isabella isn't her real name. At least, it's not the name she'll have when I send the book to print. It was just the first name I thought of when I started drafting her character. Which happened while I was half-awake with one side of my face still smashed into the pillow. With one bleary eye closed, I typed her character notes in the void that is my phone's note section. Which, upon review in the morning looked like: 

Izbela <#

-sassy but about not to scary

-can punches--not puns but funny

-probably hot but not sure realistic becuse why are they always hot? just cuz i guess.

-brown hair or blondy?, boldness endearing, only black coffee and doesn't tea because broken heart (/?) but guy only drink tea not cofee due to bitter taste? ? is that relevant maybe

-she's cool but sadly is a ghost. :(

 Thankfully, I was able to piece together my notes with memories of the dream, and the story line it developed into turned out a bit more coherent. All that was left was discovering who the other characters were as I wrote their story. My research was working, and success felt assured. 

Which is what I was excitedly sharing with Desi in her office when someone walked in unannounced. Desi's eyes widened, and very subtly she raised her hand signaling me to stop talking. 

Her eyes darted from me to the door behind me, "Can I help you?" 

 I furrowed my eyebrows, and turned around to see what she was looking at. The figure Desi had least expected, who we all least expected to show up, was Maizy Barker. My stomach swirled, recognizing that same polite expression and those sharp blue eyes. Her hair is tucked behind her ears, the short black strands brushing at her collar bones. She tilts her head slightly, making them sway. 

"Ghosts?" She smiles as if she's been participating in the conversation the whole time. Her eyebrow raises in a playful way, but it doesn't veil the irritation in her tone. "I believe I was promised a romance novel, not a sequel to your last success, Leah." 

"Maizy," I don't exactly force the smile, but it doesn't come naturally either. "Wow! It's great to see you."  

I pivot to widen my eyes at Desi who, upon hearing the name, stands up. Recognition flashes over her features and she tilts her chin up ever so slightly. The braid that was laying over her shoulder is calmly pushed to her back, and she adjusts her glasses like a gladiator would adjust their shield before facing down an opponent. 

"This is quite a surprise, Ms. Barker," Desi joins in, her voice full of charm and authority. Part of me feels like beaming at the way she cocks up an eyebrow at Maizy. It's subtle, but enough to say and an unwelcome one at that. The powerful witch-like air I know Desi possesses enveloped the room instantly, and it reassures me the stronger it shines through.

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