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Before I could set my chapter's on Desi's desk, Maizy called. She "cordially requested" that I come over for a tour of the studio. Which was manipulator talk for: "I told you I'd be checking up on you. Refuse me and I'll seek revenge for hiring Robin behind my back and this." 

My plan was to fake sudden food poisoning and have Desi call her to cancel. However, Henry noted that I should be mature and that it would be important to "make nice" with Maizy and as many film people as possible before production begins. I promptly took this and said if it was of that much importance then he wouldn't mind coming along and doing most of the "nice" making as my very mature PR agent. That earned me a dirty look...and his company on my way over to the studio.

We end up walking around the studio for hours, meeting with executives, writers, and producers. There are multiple movies being directed at once, including one that is under the strict supervision of Maizy and "a very dear friend" as she so cryptically put it. Rolling up on the set my blood runs cold. Henry flashes a knowing look at me, and nods slowly.

We knew this was coming. He tells me with his eyes. I've got you.

Other than the sparse number of technical staff working on the set, the room is mostly empty. The lights are dim and there are four spotlights hanging over the backdrop of a teenage girl's bedroom. Letters scratched in crimson blood drip down the wall. It's eerie to look at such an empty space that should be teeming with people, like walking into an abandoned department store. One gets the feeling that something bad is about to happen... Whatever Maizy had up her sleeve wasn't the jump scare we were expecting.

Maizy guides us to a woman standing at the edge of the set, flipping through a set of pages in her hand. Her long curly hair is chestnut brown, but under the stage lights you can see the sheen of red undertones. Full lips pursed in thought, she shakes her head and speaks to one of the crew members, "We need to reset."

The voice is eerily familiar. Clearer and less breathy than her daughters, Antiona Crawley turns to look at us the minute Maizy calls out to her. Her large brown eyes, clearly the blueprint for Delynn's, widen in joy at seeing Maizy and she grins. It lights up her face in a way that makes her enigmatic features absolutely radiant.

And there's the hidden motive. I grumble to myself, looking at Maizy slantwise as she grins at Antonia. Her arm is slung through mine, tightening ever so slightly as if she expects me to bolt.  Maizy let's her gaze drift over to me, and the corner of her mouth curls up in a secretive smirk. 

She is ruthless. I try not to narrow my eyes at her as my mind screams: I know (most of) the truth now you psycho!  Whatever manipulation you have in store, won't work.

"Maizy!" Antonia leaves the movie set to meet Maizy halfway. Her eyes caught on me for a moment before turning back to her friend, trace notes of her accent make every word sound melodic, "I thought you were remodeling today? Don't tell me you've given up already?"

Maizy shakes her head, "I have someone I want you to meet--" As she says this, she waves her hand over toward me and Henry. "Antonia Crawley, let me introduce Emilia Aplin and her PR agent, Henry Lockwood. As you know, they are contracted for a book adaptation in January with me, and I was hoping you could show them the basics of what's to come."

There was no need to introduce Antonia to us. Everyone knew exactly who she was just by name. Horror movies had seen a boom since she started directing films, and there was no question as to why. Her last movie, the one with Delynn and Robin, was a box office hit and won several accolades before it was even out of theaters. 

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