going up

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Of all the feelings I had while standing in the elevator, the sensation of sweat collecting on my palms was the worst one. 

Shuffling on my feet, I stared at the grey carpet and listened to the electronic voice counting down floors. Then I wiped my clammy palms on my thighs, for the millionth time, and took a deep breath. It only caused goosebumps of anticipation to rise on my skin, as if the hair on my arms knew what was coming for me and was trying to fly off my body.

A warm hand slid into mine, "You okay?" 

"Yeah," I force myself to breathe out. Looking at Robin causes the corner of my lips to curl up, and I shrug one shoulder half-heartedly. "Just anxious." 

Robin nods understandingly and squeezes my hand, "Me too."

After Desi called, Robin and I left immediately for the house to pack our things. It was hard to explain why we had to leave early, but the minute I enlightened them of our situation the whole room was filled with thick turbulence. 

"So, she's trying to get... pay back?" Mom summarized, looking between the two of us angrily. "Maizy wants to get back at Leah for hiring Robin without her permission, and ruin Robin for...what? Being in the wrong place at the wrong time?" 

Robin cleared his throat, "Well, it's a little more complicated than that." 

"Bullshit," Nora pronounced, and started to rage clean the girls toys from the living room floor. "She's out to hang you for being people she can't control, and she hired your co-star to make more money off the drama. Leah had the final say on the co-star and Maizy went over her head." 

Interjecting I raised my hands, "We don't know anything for sure. This might all be a big misunderstanding. That's why we have to go back today." 

Everyone felt angry and protective, something I expected from my family. But the worst part was how sad they looked as we wheeled our suitcases downstairs. With hung heads and solemn eyes, there was a sense about the room that that made me feel afraid. It was like having a dream end before you're ready to wake. I knew this dream was the kind I might never have again.

I think my mom sensed that way too. The way she looked at me and Robin had my stomach bottoming out. 

Hovering in the doorway, we turned to say our goodbyes, but no one moved to give us a hug. That was until mom stepped forward and wrapped Robin up in her arms. It wasn't the kind of hug that said, "see you later" or "we're happy you came." My mom hugged Robin goodbye.

As she told him how happy she was to have met him, and for staying with us, Robin's eyes slowly trailed to me. A sickening, hollowing, look was in his expression, and I watched him swallow hard against my mom's shoulder. After that we all hugged and gave our partings before Robin, and I walked back to the car in silence. 

It was a long walk... and an even longer drive back home.

Another floor dings and Robin shakes his head with furrowed brows. I sneak a peek up at him and our gazes locked. He smiles, just a little to reassure me, and my world spins a little slower. That movement alone helped my head quiet down.

Just like that, amidst all the worries and fears, I feel... so happy. I have no idea what else there is to say or do, other than mentally sit with the content disbelief that I am happy. That he makes me happy. 

"I'm glad you're here," I murmured, tightening my fingers around his as if he were slipping away. 

Looking at our intertwined hands I remember that Desi, Henry, and Drew don't know about the newest development between us either. They think that the worst part of the situation is that Maizy has gone off the deep end in a vindictive spiral. Little do they know... Robin and I have been in the water waiting for her with floaties and a celebratory daiquiri. We created an additional scandal without them knowing. 

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