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I was with them both everyday. I was with Uk during the day and Hwan at night. I lay in my bed, smiling at my phone as Uk and I chatted back and forth. He sent me cat memes because I told him they are my favorite. It's bad that we're talking, I know. It feels so good though. I get treated so well and we aren't even having sex. I turned off my ringer so Hwan wouldn't wake up.

I owe him no loyalty but I don't want him knowing I'm romantically talking to my professor, because he'll probably get jealous and snitch.

Uk and I said goodnight to each other and I sighed in satisfaction. I love talking with him. I stick my phone under my pillow, getting up to go use the restroom real quick. For us to not be together, Hwan sure does sleep in my room a lot.

All the connection I once felt with Hwan isn't gone, but I'm ignoring it. Pushing emotions back is something I've gotten very good at.

I washed my hands, drying them off before going and laying back down. I sighed, turning on my stomach. I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep, excited for the next day.

When I woke up, Hwan was sitting on the bed, pushing his hair back. I huffed, flipping over before sitting up as well. I pulled my phone out from underneath my pillow, smiling at the notification from Uk.

"Ever since you seen me with that girl, you've been acting weird. Is there something you want to tell me?" Hwan asked suddenly. I scoffed, placing my phone on my vanity before grabbing a pair of clothes and walking to the bathroom door.

"Not sure what you mean" I said, walking into the bathroom. He followed me to the bathroom, an almost sad look on his face.

"You with someone else?" he asked softly, his face dropping a little bit more.

I turned back to him, looking at him with a straight face. "No, and it's none of your business any fucking way. See yourself out please" I snapped, sliding my bathroom door closed, locking it behind me.

After getting ready, I walked out of my room. I walked right past Hwan and went out the door. I hurried to class, excited to see Uk. As soon as I got to class, I could feel eyes on me. I walked in, smiling at Uk with a slight bow. I could see him looking me up and down. He bit his lip slightly.

I smiled at him, happy that nobody else was in the class yet. I come really early for interactions like this. Soon, the students started flooding in. I finished my work, smiling as I pulled out my phone.

Thankfully, he has a MacBook so it isn't obvious that we're texting. I have him saved in my phone as the nickname I have for him, Unki.

U: I want you to come over tonight.

C: I'd love to. Are you gonna' cook for me?

U: Of course beautiful. I also want to talk to you about something tonight. I can't wait. I'll pick you up after class.

I smiled, getting more and more excited as the seconds pass. I stare at the clock, awaiting the seconds. As soon as the clock goes off, I rush out of the room and back up to my dorm.

I want to get my bag packed before Hwan comes to my room and questions me. I don't feel like having a pointless and stupid ass conversation with him about it. It's none of his business.

I rush to my room, grabbing my bag and packing it for the weekend. I put all my hygiene products in my bag before packing three outfits and three pairs of pajamas. I packed two lingerie outfits just incase we wanted to do something. Maybe I'll change my mind.

I finished packing and waiting on the notification from Uk. Once he texted and said he was outside, I put on a face mask before rushing outside and running to his car. I threw my bag in the back before hopping in the front, buckling up as he drove off.

"Hi beautiful" he said, his eyes lifting. I could tell he was smiling underneath his mask. I removed my mask before removing his.

"Hi handsome" I smiled. He grabbed my hand as he drove, and I relaxed back into the seat as we left the campus. I lay my head back on the seat, closing my eyes as I melted into the cold air. Soon, I was fighting sleep.

I woke up in a beautiful cabin looking room. I sat up, yawning. I looked over and met eyes with Uk. He gave me a soft smile and my heart jumped in the air.

"You've been asleep for a little bit. I put your bags over there and your phone on the nightstand next to your side of the bed" he said, rubbing at my cheek. I smiled at him, my heart racing.

I stood up slowly, yawning.

"You hungry babe?" he asked softly, walking to my side of the bed. He placed his hands on my cheeks before pressing a soft kiss on my forehead.

I nodded, gripping his hands as I looked up at him. I felt an ounce of guilt as I stared at his beautiful brown eyes. He pressed another kiss to my forehead before separating himself.

"I'm going to cook some chicken and veggie stir fry my love. Also, your phone was ringing a lot earlier so I silenced it. He doesn't seem that important" he said, a small smirk on his face.

I rolled my eyes with a grin on my face as he walked away. I grabbed my phone, looking at all the missed notifications from Hwan.

H: Hello? Cherry, where are you? I'm really worried.

C: Hey, sorry. I was asleep. I won't be back this weekend. See ya soon xoxo.

H: What? Where the hell are you staying if it isn't here Cherry?


I put down my phone, walking into the kitchen where Uk was. I smiled as I walked up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist and laying my head on his back.

"So, are you gonna' ask?" I asked softly. He shook his head, chuckling a little bit.

"No, because we aren't together and you're a beautiful girl. I knew I wasn't the only guy you were talking to right now, but I will be as soon as you're ready" he replied. My heart flipped a million times and my face softened.

He turned around, picking me up and looking at me. "You're a beautiful girl. It was expected. That may sound bad but I promise, that's not what I mean. At the end of the day, I know you'll choose me when you're ready" he said, kissing my cheek softly. He placed me on the stool counter and continued cooking.

I stared at him in awe. I wasn't sure how to respond but I knew now that I could no longer see Hwan.

After he finished cooking, we sat down. "Do you want wine or something else?" he asked me softly. I smiled at him.

"A little wine is fine, thank you" I replied. I waited for him to return with the wine glasses before I started eating.

As we ate and drank our wine, we talked. I learned about him. He learned about me. We have so much more in common than I originally thought we did. The tension was thick, and the more wine that got in my system, the more my mind was changing about not having sex with him.

After we finished eating, I helped him clean up and wash the dishes. I packed the leftovers before placing them in the fridge. We walked back to his room and we both laid down. He put on Netflix and my heart jumped.

I lay on his chest, trying to pretend I was paying attention to whatever the hell he put on, but all I could think about was how bad I wanted him.

I slowly moved my hand down the blanket and he jumped under my touch. I looked up at him and moved up, kissing him softly as I massaged my hand around. I slowly moved, sitting on top of him.

The kiss became more sloppy, and I wanted more. He pulled away from the kiss, stopping my hands before I removed my shirt.

"Cherry, you've been drinking. You're so beautiful and trust me I want it too, but we'll do this when you're sober. I want you to want me sober and not regret it after" he said softly. My face softened and I relaxed against him.

As we both watched the show, I relaxed further into his embrace. As I fell asleep, he was all I was thinking about.

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